Wednesday 25 July 2018

Learn How to Cook Healthy Recipes For Kids

Learn How to Cook Healthy Recipes For Kids

It's no secret that kids nowadays are particularly tricky to prepare food for. Perhaps the culprit is too much dependency on consumerism or whatnot. But suffice to say; perhaps the biggest culprit is television. What kids usually find delicious are those that are visually appealing and those that they can relate to and of course- see on television. Fast food has become such a novelty that for example; kids only see chicken as the crispy deep-fried type which as we all know is swimming in a pool of cholesterol, and not the good type at that. The thing is kids have a set idea of what good food is. And no amount of cajoling or even threatening will get them to eat anything else.

One nifty trick you can try is to try serving healthy side dishes along your main course. It doesn't matter if you're serving meatloaf or chicken or even pasta - this ingredient goes with practically anything. The answer is in potatoes. They're yummy, rich in nutrients, and generally easy to prepare. Sure, the French fries aren't that healthy and the usual mashed potatoes are getting old - but you can always try out something new.
Why not try pesto baked potatoes for a change? Here's one recipe that will definitely work with any dish. It's also guaranteed to be kid-friendly. The secret to a good dish is in the herbs. If there's one thing the Italians have gotten right, it has got to be their diet. After all, they have been known for their longevity and good health.
All you need are a couple pieces of Russet potatoes, a small bulb of onion, a couple of garlic cloves, half a cup of vegetable broth, half a cup of cream, salt, pepper, olive oil, fresh basil, and pine nuts (optional). You can opt to serve or allocate one potato per person.
To start off, give your potatoes a good scrub and poke it several times with a fork. After that, you can give them a good brush of olive oil and give them a good rubbing of sea salt. Once you're done with that, just pop them into the oven for around 30 minutes.
While you're waiting for your potatoes to roast, mince your onion and garlic and sauté them in a small amount of olive oil. Pour in your cream and broth and let them simmer for about 10 minutes. Chop up your fresh basil and incorporate it into the simmering broth. You can add a fresh squeeze of lemon just to give it a little tang. Once you're done, it would probably be time to get your potatoes out of the oven.
Cut your potatoes in half and scoop out the innards leaving a thin layer of skin behind. Incorporate the inside part of your potatoes with the simmering broth and mash it using a piece of fork. Then you can go ahead and scoop it into the potato "shells" and top it with grated Parmesan cheese. *You may include pine nut in the broth if you want a little texture.*
Then pop the potatoes back into the oven for another ten minutes or so and you're good to go. It's the perfect side dish to a healthy lunch you know your kids will always love.


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