Friday 15 June 2018

5 Signs Of A Slow Metabolism And Hacks To Fix It

5 Signs Of A Slow Metabolism And Hacks To Fix It

Wondering why the pounds keep piling up? You could be experiencing a slow metabolism.
Metabolism is the process of how your body burns stored fuel (including fats) to be used up as energy. When your body burns more fuel, you trim down. So if you've been busy at the gym, eating right but you can't seem to see results, you may want to check if you have a slow metabolism.

A thyroid problem. Hypo and hyper thyroidism can make you lose or gain weight even if you do not try to do so. People who suffer from thyroid problems can also experience and dry skin.

Unexplained weight gain and problems losing it. The most common sign of a slow metabolism. Even if you eat healthy and regularly exercise or train, you still pack the pounds. And the most annoying part is you are having trouble keeping it off. While age may play a factor in retaining the pound and having trouble trimming down, this does not happen in an instant.

You always feel tired. A slow energy burn means your body functions slow down as well, keeping you feeling tired and sluggish.

Sadness and depression. Mood changes as your bodily functions slow down. Sadness, and depression can sink in.

You feel cold all the time. Blood circulation can also slow down, together with the decreased energy burn and supply, this makes you feel colder than usual.
However, don't lose hope. While metabolism does decline as we get older, there are ways to jumpstart it again.

  1. Visit your doctor. If you suspect thyroidism, an early diagnosis can help counteract the effects and lessen the damage. Also, a check-up will show possible lingering illnesses, either than thyroidism, which you need to correct.

  1. Diversify your workout. Routine can make you stale, the same goes for your workout. You may not be experiencing results because your body needs a better challenge. Change your workout sets and routine after every four weeks. It can be a different exercise or workout but targets the same muscle groups. If you some extra time to spare, you can cross train. This provides your body with a different kind of challenge while still giving it ample time to recover.

  1. Stay healthy but try other foods. If you eat healthy, then keep it that way. But do try some other healthy foods to help diversify your diet. Add spice, literally, to your foods. Spicy foods help perk your metabolism.

  1. Get enough sleep. Not only your reflexes and your brain slows down when it does not get enough rest, so does your digestive system. Hence, your metabolic rate decreases and instead of burning fat, your body cannot cope at it stores it. Get seven to eight hours of sleep a night regularly. If you get a chance, don't skimp on naps as well. However, don't over sleep. Some people who sleep 10 or more hours have a tendency to get sluggish.


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