Friday 22 June 2018

How I Lost Two and a Half Stone Through Walking and WeightWatchers

How I Lost Two and a Half Stone Through Walking and WeightWatchers

Just over a year ago my father looked at me and told me, "how fat I looked " and suggested" I do something about it".
So I did. My doctor told me I had to lose three stone. Which seemed a ridiculous amount to lose. However I decided that WeightWatchers seemed the simplest way to lose weight and I went along to a local group to join.
I walked in and joined the queue and realised I was the only male there. I felt a bit intimidated but luckily another male arrived about ten minutes later. Now there are about six males out of a total of around forty people.
I got my starter pack which basically gives you a quick seven day menu option to get you started. I also started to use the Esource facility on the website that allows you to track everything you eat daily and to look up the points value of various foods.

I also joined the local gym on a months trial. I decided at £50. 00 a month and as I was not really enjoying the experience to cancel my membership and commit to walking every day for at least sixty minutes. Which is both free and far more enjoyable than the gym.
In my first week I lost five pounds and I continued to go to the weekly WeightWatchers meetings for advise and support. I find the whole WeightWatchers system really simple and I like the weekly meetings as they are really motivating. I like to hear what other members are achieving and what challenges they are facing.
The walking is the best thing I have ever done for myself apart from quitting smoking.
Just over a year later I am two and a half stone lighter with another half stone to lose. It has not all been easy there have been weeks when I have not lost anything and weeks when I have put on weight.
However I just keep going and do not give up. I am 52 now and will be following this system for the rest of my life.

Nick W Lee
Internet marketer and salesman


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