Tuesday 18 September 2018

How To Get Slim For Summer

How To Get Slim For Summer

We all tend to feel a little happier in the summer, with light mornings, warm evenings and lots of lovely sunshine. But if you are one of those people who is very conscious about their body or even ashamed of their appearance, summer can be a bit of a nightmare. After a long depressing winter with very little exercise and all that Christmas excess still lying on the hips, plenty of us want to know how to get slim for the summer.
The Wrong Way To Slim Down For Summer
When people want to lose weight for a specific event (such as a summer holiday or wedding), they tend to panic and turn to crash diets. Starving yourself on a fad or crash diet is the wrong way to go about losing weight, particularly if you want to achieve permanent weight loss. Crash diets are too restrictive and impossible to stick to in the long term, any weight loss you experience (usually down to losing body fluids), soon comes back when you start eating properly again. Developing permanent healthy eating and exercise habits is a much better option, and not just prior to summer but all year round.
Tips For Getting Into Shape For The Summer
The key is not to panic and make drastic changes, starvation is not an option. Here are a few simple things you can do to help you get that summer body you want: -
1. Drink Plenty Of Water
Drinking plenty of water every day is a great way to aid weight loss and get healthy. Drinking water flushes out toxins, keeps your body hydrated and is good for the skin. We often eat when we think we are hungry, but sometimes we are simply dehydrated and need a drink. Try to drink at least glasses of water a day.

2. Eat Fresh
Pack your diet with lots of fresh fruit, vegetables and green salad, and cut back on junk foods, processed foods and fatty sauces and dressings.

3. Substitute High Fat Foods
Switch those high fat foods such as milk, cheese, cola, butter, coleslaw and salad dressings for lower fat alternatives. Also cut back on your salt and sugar intake.
4. Practice Portion Control
We tend to eat more food than our bodies need and eat to fast, ignoring our stomach's signal that it is getting full. Eat slower and stop when you start to feel content, never eat until you are stuffed. Try and eater smaller portions and more often and always eat a healthy breakfast, it will stop you getting hungry and snacking through the day.
5. Get More Active

Exercise is a pivotal part of weight loss, grab every opportunity to be more active. Here are some suggestions for leading a more active life: -
Start walking to work and the shops.
Get on your bike.
Go swimming.
Play tennis.
Take a dance fitness class.
Take a trial membership at the gym.
Start jogging in the mornings
Take a walk in your lunch hour.
If you implement these simple steps, you'll be leading a healthier and more active lifestyle. it won't be long before you have a slimmer and more toned body.


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