Thursday 27 September 2018

Get Your Behind Into Shape With These Butt Toning Exercises

Get Your Behind Into Shape With These Butt Toning Exercises

Everyone wants to have a shapely butt, especially in the summer when more skin is exposed. Whether your derriere is too big or too flat, there are exercises you can do to counter that. Here is a list of the best butt exercises to get a shapely, toned bottom.
One-Legged Squats
This is a variation of the classic squat exercise, and is performed one leg at a time. It will not only target the glutes, but it will also work the quads and hamstrings. Begin by standing with one foot on a stabilized exercise bench or step. Hang the back leg down behind you, ensuring not to swing it. Slowly lower your body by bending at the knee until you reach approximately a 135 degree angle. You don't want to bend too far or you will find it extremely difficult to step back up to starting position. This can be done with weights, or without. Perform between 10-15 of these, for three sets.
This exercise works the butt, quads and hamstrings. Begin by standing upright, feet together. Take a large step forward with one foot, then lower your body so that your front stepping leg is bent at a 90 degree angle, and your back knee is almost touching the floor. Then slowly raise your legs, and bring your front leg back to starting position. Repeat on each leg, and perform about 10-15 reps, for three sets.
This exercise targets the glutes and thighs. You can use your stairs, or exercise steps. The exercise step should be about 2 feet off the floor. If you're using stairs, step two stairs up for more effect. Begin by stepping up with one leg, and completely lift your body up onto the step. Then step back down to the bottom with the same leg. Alternate legs, and perform about 15 of these per leg, for three sets.
Hip Extensions
These can be performed with no weights, or with ankle straps fastened to your ankles. Get onto your elbows and knees, and lift one leg up towards the ceiling as high as you can. Bring the leg back down, and repeat on the other leg. Perform about 10-15 of these, for three sets.
Perform these exercises at least three times per week in order to see results. These exercises target the glutes, and will provide you with a shapely backside when performed on a regular basis.


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