Tuesday 14 August 2018

Challenge Accepted: Push Your Health to the Max

Challenge Accepted: Push Your Health to the Max

All over the internet health challenges are popping up everywhere. From squatting challenges to clean eating challenges, everyone is challenging themselves. Challenges keep your life interesting and keep you striving towards new goals in life. I have been so inspired by these goals that I've chosen to embark on a few. I've listed some of the many challenges below and I dare you to challenge yourself and do one.
The Water Challenge
This one is super easy and requires you to do nothing but fill up a cup of water and drink it. I challenge you to drink at least 8 ounces of water everyday for 30 days. Now of course you should do this everyday for the rest of your life, but you have to start somewhere. Water has numerous amounts of benefits including boosted metabolism, more energy, and it can even help to clear up your skin. I challenge you to fill up that 16oz water bottle 4 times a day and guzzle it down!

The 30 minutes a day 3 days a week challenge
This is another easy challenge that anyone can do. For 30 days I want you to dedicate yourself to doing 30 minutes of exercise 3 days a week for a month. This challenge is typically for beginners, or anyone who wants to get back on track. These exercises can vary from something as small as walking to something as advanced as running. Just get out there and do it!
Walk it out!

America is becoming more and more lazy which means they are less active. Transportation is a good thing, but it takes away time for walking. For this challenge all you will need is a pedometer, will power, and some good walking shoes. For 30 days I want you to commit yourself to walking at least 10,000 steps. Why 10,000? Well research shows that walking at least 10,000 steps a day helps you to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle. This challenge is a little more advance but there are a lot of ways that you can include a bit more walking into your routine. Taking the steps instead of the elevator, parking farther away from your location, walking the dog, and even walking in place while watching television are all great ways to get up to 10,000!
If you want to look great in the heat, get in the kitchen!
In the society we live in fast food is becoming a part of our daily lives. Yes of course there are a few healthier fast food selections (subway), but nothing can compare to a home cooked meal. For just a week I challenge you to avoid fast food places and prepare your meals at home. Preparing your meals at home is far more healthier and you'll actually know what's going inside of your belly. Not to mention the fact that cooking meals at home can make great bonding time!


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