Friday 24 August 2018

Lose Abdominal Weight With Two Simple Strategies

Lose Abdominal Weight With Two Simple Strategies

If you have ever tried to lose weight you must have found out one hard truth - it is far more difficult to lose abdominal fat than any other body fat. Though there are multiple areas in the body where fat tends to accumulate (the hips, the thighs, buttocks, neck, arms), the abdominal fat poses maximum challenge in the attempt to lose weight.

Various exercises have been developed for abdominal weight loss. There is no sure shot way to achieve what we call as "spot weight reduction" even by concentrating on the abdominal muscles while exercising. Any exercise regime will try to achieve weight loss across the body. The best way to lose weight whether from the abdomen or thighs is therefore regular exercise and dietary changes.
Exercises are classified into two types - Aerobic and Anaerobic. How do these two differ?
1. The two different exercises impart different metabolic processes in the body.
2. The duration of exercise differs between the two.
3. The intensity of muscular contractions are different.
4. There is a difference in the energy generation within the muscle.
In Anaerobic exercises there is consumption of Glycogen or sugar without the utilization of Oxygen. Anaerobic exercise involves strong bursts of muscular activity that last for short periods and will tire out the individual quickly. These exercises are of not much value in weight loss. They are basically meant for strength and endurance training aimed at building muscles. Sit-ups and bench-presses are some of the exercises that are used sometimes in abdominal weight loss. However these exercises only strengthen the abdominal musculature and do not actually cause weight loss.

In Aerobic exercises oxygen is used to break down glycogen into glucose. Aerobic exercises involve moderate but continuous activity over longer periods. Running a marathon at moderate pace would be an aerobic exercise in contrast to a 100-meter dash which is anaerobic. Playing lawn tennis alone is aerobic while playing doubles is anaerobic. Aerobic exercises are the best suitable form of exercise for lasting weight loss.
Aerobic exercises burn a lot of calories and as such it is not uncommon to have an increased appetite after a workout. If one is serious about losing abdominal fat then there is no place for complacence over the choice of foods eaten. A healthy, natural and balanced diet that includes carbohydrates, proteins and fats but all in moderate quantities is of paramount importance.

A combination of aerobic exercises for 20 minutes per day and a healthy choice of foods are an absolute must for natural weight loss - be it the from the abdomen or anywhere else in the body.


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