Tuesday 7 August 2018

Weight Loss Challenge - "Are You Ready To Eat Well Over The Holidays And Feel Good About It?"

Weight Loss Challenge - "Are You Ready To Eat Well Over The Holidays And Feel Good About It?"

The year is going fast and the holidays are just around the corner. A weight loss challenge is in order. Are you armed with the best weight loss program available? Ask yourself... "How many pounds am I going to gain this holiday season?"
Challenge yourself to the easiest, most effective weight loss program available. We can enjoy a nice pleasant tasty meal and keep the weight off as well.

Question is...Are you up to the weight loss challenge? Are you determined to keep your weight off? Are you determined to be the one who loses the most this season? How about the rest of your family?
Will you and your family be the number one couch potato or are you up to the challenge to lose the fat and be healthy? Are you willing to set a weight loss challenge for yourself?
I recently talked with a gentleman who took a serious look at where his life was going. He was seeing himself spending the rest of his life in a wheelchair. At one time he weighed around 400 pounds. First He acknowledged that he had a problem. Then he challenged himself to do something about his problem. He has had both knees replaced, he has had gastric bypass surgery and now he rides his bicycle 64 miles every day rain or shine. He lost the weight.
He did this for his family. Looking at him now you would never think he was in that position at one time.
This man set a weight loss challenge for himself. Are you willing to do the same?
Take a good look at your self.. Are you fat like this man was? Are you willing to lose the weight for your family and for yourself? How about your family? Do they need an easy effective weight loss program?
My challenge to each person in this country is to get on the best weight loss program. The most effective weight loss program and do it for your self and for your family.

Be consistent with your meals. Break your fast with out fail. If you want to shed pounds and keep them off, do not skip breakfast. It is the most important meal of the day. Eat a healthy breakfast with proteins and a moderate amount of carbohydrates to help lose weight and maintain that weight loss.
Again challenge yourself to set a goal at meal times and stick to it. Do not skip a meal or think well I will eat just a bit more then next time. That is not the way to keep the weight off.
This holiday season enjoy the meals, eat healthy, get plenty of exercise. Remember everything in moderation. Smaller portions, eat slower, savor the flavor.

Source: ezinearticles.com/?Weight-Loss-Challenge---Are-You-Ready-To-Eat-Well-Over-The-Holidays-And-Feel-Good-About-It?&id=5111567

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