Saturday 25 August 2018

Five Tips For Preparing Healthy Meals

Five Tips For Preparing Healthy Meals

In our quest to lose weight the greatest challenge we face is, knowing what to eat and how to prepare it. Furthermore, most believe to eat healthy we must sacrifice taste. The good news is that eating healthy and losing weight is actually easier than you might think and without sacrificing taste.
One of the reasons that we as Americans are packing on the pounds is due to the types of foods that we eat and the way that they are prepared. We use highly processed foods and oils in our meals that are loaded with trans fats among other demonic substances that are slowly killing us not to mention making us miserable in the process.

To eat healthy there are five things to keep in mind when buying foods and planning meals.
1. Purchase only fresh unprocessed meats. Use mostly fish and fowl as they are the highest in protein. When choosing ground beef stick with those that are 90% lean or greater, when possible substitute ground beef with ground turkey.
2. Cook with virgin olive oil and limit the use of common cooking oils such as canola and certain vegetable oils.
3. Limit sugars and white breads and pastas. Stick with whole grain breads and pasta and replace sweeteners with honey and natural maple syrup.
4. Incorporate fresh vegetables especially leafy greens. Also nuts , beans and lentils contain much of the healthy dietary fats that are essential for our overall health.
5. Do not be afraid of eggs. When buying eggs be sure to choose quality omega 3 eggs such as egglands best.

Once you know what foods are best for preparing healthy meals the only thing left to put you on the path of losing weight and getting in shape is knowing what to eat and when to eat them.
Believe it or not knowing when to eat certain foods is critical if you are trying to loose weight, it has a lot to do with controlling the glycemic index and other reasons that will have to be the topic of another discussion.
So, take heart in knowing that you can eat healthy without sacrificing great taste and you can lose weight in the process.


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