Wednesday 8 August 2018

Mental Challenges of Dieting

Mental Challenges of Dieting

What does the word 'diet' mean to you? For most people it means restricting the things you like to eat in order to lose a few extra pounds. But the problem is once we talk ourselves into going on a diet, we immediately crave those very things we try to restrict ourselves on, therefore we never seem to be able to stick to a diet long term.
Prepare your mind mentally to make those changes
It's a mind game that we play with ourselves over and over again. The secret to being successful on any program is to have your objectives and reasons to hand each time you reach out for something you know you should not have, these need to be strong reasons as to why you are having to lose weight, they may be medical reasons, health reasons, or feel good for yourself reasons. But we need to always have these in the backs of our minds every single day that we are on a program, as this will help you to focus on achieving your objectives and goals.
Start by making small changes every day, its easier to adjust in small doses than going all out from day one. Take your time and reduce the naughty foods day by day, week by week.

Watch your moods
It is important to also recognise the moods we are in when we crave certain foods. Your mood is connected to your mental and in the case of weight loss or gain, you physical well being, and therefore if we are upset, we naturally tend to go for sweet sugary things to ease the discomfort. I challenge you therefore, if you are currently on a program, and the next time you feel the urge to have something naughty, or considered on your 'banned list of foods not to eat', to look at the mood you are currently in, think about how you are feeling, then have a conversation with yourself something on the lines of ' why am I feeling this way?' If I eat this item of food now, will it help me to achieve my goals? Or will I just feel even worse after I have eaten it because it will take me further from my goals?
What can I do instead to ease the way that I am feeling? Can I go for a walk? Or immerse myself in something which will take my mind off having to eat?
Then, go get yourself a glass or two of water, then go for that walk or activity which will take your mind of food, and relieve your anxiety which caused your body for sugar in the first place....
Learn to listen to your body, it does talk to you... and tells you what it wants!
Losing weight does not have to be a struggle. We need to constantly talk to ourselves and our bodies, to improve our mind set, and our mental attitude to food, particularly snacking.

We also need to be able to listen to our bodies as well. I noticed that when I was pregnant, it was an amazing time for me, as I learnt so much about my body. It is a wonderful thing, if we know who to stay in tune with ourselves. When you are pregnant, there are certain smells that some pregnant ladies cannot stand, such as cigarette smoke, fried foods and maybe others. If you think about it, cigarette smoke is not good for you to inhale, therefore your body is telling you this, fried foods again are not good for you, and your body acknowledges this by making you feel unwell or in discomfort. But, at the same time, when you are lacking in multivitamins or nutrients your body also lets you know. Have you ever had a certain 'taste' appear in your mouth? For instance when I was pregnant with one of my children, I had a taste for oranges, which of course is high in vitamin C, which I was obviously lacking, and my body was saying to me, 'you need to top up'.
Most often than not, we confuse thirst for hunger. We seem to want to eat for comfort when we feel that urge. I challenge you to next time you feel like you need to have a 'snack' to go and have a glass or two of water.

Who says its not challenging losing weight?
Every single day you go through without sneaking that naughty snack, or eating late at night is a challenge. Congratulate yourself for getting through those tough periods.
Write yourself a 'mantra' and talk to yourself every day. Question every bit of food or drink that you are about to put into your mouth, will it be for the greater good and help you to reach your goals? If not, then walk away from it.
Take a photo of you now and have this on your Fridge, a copy in your bedroom, in your bathroom, this will help you to focus on where you need to be.. Each time you open that fridge, or take a shower, or comb your hair, you will see the difference between that photo and you now. As you lose inches and pounds you will begin to see the difference however small.
Where's that dress or pair of jeans you have not been able to get into for the last year or so? Get them out now and hang them in your bedroom in your face. Every month, take them off the hanger and try them on, is the buttons around the waist getting closer together? You will soon be able to do them up!
All of the above are good forms of motivation to helping you keep on track. But remember, you have go to do this for yourself and no one else. Most diets do work, if people stick to them.... Whether they are sustainable or not is another article.....
God Bless


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