Monday 20 August 2018

The Importance of Mindset in Dieting

The Importance of Mindset in Dieting

I often wonder just how many weight-loss systems or books can be published before the market is saturated and all the answers and secrets of losing weight have been written down. I guess there is no answer or no limit, because a subject that seems simple is in fact quite complex.
At the simplest level the answer to weight problems is so obvious: Eat less and do more!
I did exactly that once, except that I added a lot of grapefruit juice to my diet and lost an enormous amount of weight in 12 weeks. I was very proud of myself until I visited a doctor who happened to specialise in weight loss. He pointed out to me that I had lost a lot of muscle and had actually retained a lot of fat! So there is always more to such a simple formula and it is worth going on a weight loss program with expert guidance.

There are several good ones around and what they teach is essential knowledge but there is one obstacle to them all and that is our own mindset. If your mindset is wrong and you have not dealt with a few essential mental issues, no weight-loss program will work, because you will not follow it. The following mental components are key to a successful weight-loss program:
  • Making a firm decision.
  • Overcoming instant gratification needs
  • Self-esteem
  • Limiting beliefs
  • Self love- Doing it for yourself
  • Dealing with addiction elements
Making a firm decision
A decision is much more than a wish or resolve. Think of a 'decision' as set in concrete, no longer to be debated or wondered about. It is made and that is that. No excuses, no delays, no obstacles or alternatives can now be considered. It is final.

Instant Gratification
The need for instant gratification is inherent in human nature and has been reinforced by modern conveniences and lifestyle. Convenience stores, credit cards and mobile phones are just some examples of how our need to get immediate satisfaction and results get satisfied and reinforced. At many levels we need to relearn the art of investing or sacrificing minor amounts now for greater rewards in the future. The answer lies in visualising the future goal in a great amount of detail, with all the benefits that go with it. Make it as real in your mind as you can and experience this future reality daily.
Every addict or overweight person suffers from self-esteem issues and believe they are not worth being different. Get over that idea totally. You have to believe that you are worth the investment and are in fact a beautiful and talented human being and that you can make the best of everything you have. What is more, you deserve to have it, so go get it.
Limiting Beliefs
Limiting beliefs in the context of food or dieting would include a subconscious belief that some harm will come to you if you do not have the food that you are used to consuming. You believe that you "need' certain foods or certain quantities. This belief can trip you up. Believe what the diet program tells you to do. You will not suffer any harm, hardship, tiredness or hunger. Slight discomfort from a changed pattern is all that you will suffer. See it as a gift to yourself. Even if your food intake is halved, get over the mindset that says it is not enough. You will be more than OK. In fact you will soon feel better both physically and emotionally. Do it for a while before you just fall back into your old routine.

Another limiting belief that some people have is that exercise is hard and painful and not for them. Believe me this is not true. Once you start exercising you will find out soon where your limits lie and you will be amazed at how soon those boundaries get extended with regular exercise. You do not have to overdo it and break into heart straining sweat-dripping, muscle tearing routines. Take it easy and challenge yourself just 10% more every day. You will find it is pleasurable, energizing and makes you feel good about yourself.
The above is but one example of limiting beliefs you might have. Look out for others and make yourself aware of the false negatives in your beliefs and the true positives of alternate behavior.
Doing it for yourself
If you are getting into program like weight loss, do it for yourself, not to please anyone else! You need to love yourself above all else. Pamper yourself and treat yourself and your body with the utmost respect. You deserve it.
Dealing with any habit as an addiction
Addictions have physical dependency issues and mental and habitual issues. Believing that you need a mid morning snack or a certain amount of chocolate or cheese cake at certain times is part of the habitual behaviour. Anticipate these moments, and if it is outside your chosen diet routine, decide what you will do instead. Imagine the moment and choose that moment to remind yourself of the decision you have made and the future rewards you have promised yourself.
There is much more to dieting than just limiting your food and doing some exercise. A good program designed by a person qualified in nutrition is essential, but you also have to take care of your own mental attitude, beliefs and habits. If necessary complement the diet program with some hypnosis tapes or even engage the help of a therapist and tell him or her your goals for yourself.


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