Wednesday 9 May 2018

How Raw Food Helps Avoid Chronic Health Issues

How Raw Food Helps Avoid Chronic Health Issues

Many people are fighting the over weight factor and still haven't found the magic diet? Others may have found themselves in a health issue that if with proper diet could be prevented. I have visited the Susi bar but, really never liked much on it but, shrimp. After reading more about a raw food diet many health benefits were discovered as far back as early 1900's. Most commonly the enzymes lost in food cooked over a temp of 115 F has lost the benefits to your body which would prevent the cause of serious health problems.
Raw foodism has been a popular diet regarding health benefits that out number those of cooked food over 104 F. Studies have shown that the enzymes in raw food help the body against chronic illnesses.
The benefits are
  1. better skin,
  2. more energy,
  3. weight loss,
  4. overall health is improved with a raw food diet.

The diet usually consists of
  • veg.,
  • fruits,
  • animal products,
  • grains,
  • nuts,
  • legumes.
Some of these call for preparing a day of two ahead of time. A source I found to be easy step by step in preparing raw foods is Kristen raw foods. Such as rice, grains, and sprouts need to be put in water to sprout. Nuts should be soaked in order to activate their enzymes, and deactivate enzyme inhibitors.

Raw animal products such as
  • meats,
  • fish,
  • eggs,
  • milk, can be eaten raw.
Raw food dieters claim that cooking food produces harmful chemical toxins. Potential harmful effects in cooking food which are thought to increase cancer risk in humans.
In cooking meats, breaking down of cells occurs so that the digestive system can digest food more easily has been suggested. Microwaving at high temperatures have been shown to significantly reduce the anti-infective factors in human milk.
To avoid food poisoning there is a list that should be cooked consult link below. Other wise for a safe alternative for raw food consumption it's better to look a recipe up in a book. I myself am sold on a good picture of the menu.
Remember food is the essence of
  • brainpower:
  • learning,
  • memory,
  • concentration.
Studies have shown mild deficiencies can impair
  • mental function,
  • leading to irritability,
  • mood swings,
  • loss of appetite
When levels are replenished memory has been found to improve.

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