Thursday 24 May 2018

How to Lose Pounds in a Week Fast

How to Lose Pounds in a Week Fast

Everyone wants to know how to lose the pounds fast. Most people want it but aren't willing to take the steps to make it actually happen. In this article we'll outline 5 very important tips for those that are willing to take action. Some of these are tips you may not have even heard of but are sneaky little tricks to make losing the weight easier.
-How To Lose Pounds Fast Tips-
Smaller Plate: If you use a smaller plate it will look like you have more food. From now on prepare your meals on the saucers that are one size down from a normal plate.  

5 Meals Instead Of 3: Most people only eat 2 or 3 meals a day and a lot of times they skip breakfast! That is a major no no for weight loss. If you are in this habit fix it immediately. From now on definitely eat breakfast. Even if it's just a protein shake. And instead of eating 2 or 3 bigger meals, eat 5 smaller portioned ones. Or 3 meals and 2 medium snacks.  
Eat Slower: Most people eat a whole meal in 4 minutes! Your body has no way of letting you know it's full when you do something like this. Eat slower so your body can tell you when it's full. Overeating is a big reason people get bigger.  
Drink water: If you are really serious about losing weight replace EVERYTHING you drink now with water. That means no more soda, tea or coffee.  

80% Rule: Only eat till you are 80% full. This will not be easy at first but after you learn to eat slower you will begin to learn the 80% mark and it will be easier. If you are not only wondering how to lose the pounds but also willing to apply the information to your current diet you will notice results. These tips can be applied to most diets you may be currently on. If you aren't on a diet you should find one that you can stick to.


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