Wednesday 2 May 2018

What Are the Most Popular Celebrity Diets? - Which Diets Do the Celebrities Use to Lose Weight?

What Are the Most Popular Celebrity Diets? - Which Diets Do the Celebrities Use to Lose Weight?

The Most Popular Celebrity Diets are the ones that have us talking and thinking that we can duplicate the results of our favorite celebrity. We all want the body of Brad Pitt, Jennifer Anniston, Sarah Jessica Parker, or Kylie Minogue right. Of course we do, but what will it cost us to go on one of these diets, can we actually believe that the celebrities who are endorsing that diet are actually using it. What gimmick is the ploy to get us to buy into that weigh loss plan?
I've done the research for you and I will tell you that it's not cheap to utilize some of the Most Popular Celebrity diets.
  • The Zone Diet- is one of the Most Popular Celebrity Diets, it consists of a membership to Dr. Sears' website (it's free), they recommend that you eat balanced meals (that's good too), but they want you to buy their supplements. The two supplements they recommend you take are the Omega-3 (fish oil) and the polyphenols (anti-oxidant). These 2 products alone can cost you about $70.00 a month. Now imagine buying their shakes too. Not to mention you still have to buy your own groceries.

  • The Atkins Diet- Don't even get me started on why this diet is not good for you. When you are forced to go on a low carbohydrate diet you will lose weight quickly but the chances of you keeping the weight off is slim. That is why you'll hear people say "The Atkins Diet worked for me, I'm probably going back on it to lose the weight again" If you ever hear someone say they need to go back on the same diet they were on before to lose the weight they gained back, that's a diet you don't want to try because chances are it's not a good program that you will want to stick to for the long term.

  • Sugar Busters- This diet consists of lessening your sugar intake. By doing this you will lower you insulin production that causes you to convert excess sugar to fat. This is a great idea but without guidance to your specific likes and dislikes. You can buy the main book about the diet plan and you can also purchase the cookbook to accompany the program. Chances are you won't read the book and the meals will not be customized for your specific taste. If you are as picky as I am about the food you eat this is probably not for you.
After all of the research is done and over with and you are still left wondering which celebrity you should trust and which diet will not rip you off. You are left with no more answers and probably more questions.
I've found one product that is easy to implement and if you can cook some simple recipes you will be well on your way to losing weight like the Most Popular Celebrity Diets and it won't cost you nearly as much. In fact you will probably be saving money in the long run, because some of the expensive foods you buy like potato chips and ice cream will be out of the equation.
Strip That Fat is the premier weight loss software. Strip That Fat will leave all of the Most Popular Celebrity Diets in the dust. This software is so easy to use, you can select your favorite foods and you will get a 14 day meal plan that is customized to the foods you like to eat. It will even print you out a shopping list so there is no more guessing. Pretty soon you will look like you've been on one of the Most Popular Celebrity Diets and you'll be happy knowing that it did not cost you nearly as much.


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