Monday 4 March 2019

What Is Better - Running Or Walking?

What Is Better - Running Or Walking?

Which is better, running or walking? It is a tough question because both are beneficial in different ways. Ask yourself these 4 questions to find out if you're better off trying to run or walk.
Exercising is a personal thing. You have to take into consideration only your abilities, your desires and your physical fitness level. You cannot base your decisions on what other people are doing or telling you to do. Only you know what you body is capable and ready to undertake.

Ask yourself these 4 questions when you're trying to decide whether to run or walk for physical fitness:
1. What's my real goal? Is it to lose weight quickly or can I take it a little slower and take it step-by-step?
2. How much time do I have to dedicate to this exercise program?
3. What does my schedule allow me most easily to do: run in the morning, power walk at lunch or with a friend, or go to the gym and pound it out on the treadmill?
4. Have I any past physical injuries that might hinder me from reaching a certain distance goal?
Walking as many benefits:
  • It's easy on the joints and can be done inside or outside.
  • You can quickly recruit friends to go walking with you either in the morning, at lunchtime or during the evening.
  • You don't have to change clothes or have special gear for walking.
  • You can walk during your lunchtime, around the office building, through town or circle around the parking lot.
  • You can walk to distant lunch spots during your working hours for mid-day exercise.
As for running, it's really a great sport but: 
  • You have to build up to it. You can't just run 10 miles without a bit of training. It takes some extra time and mental effort to get started running.
  • It's true that running burns lots more calories than walking. Of course you can mix the walk/run ratio for successful running programs.
  • Running is especially good when you've got some serious pent-up anger or energy.
  • Running can be done on a treadmill or outdoors. It can also be done in the swimming pool for injured people.
So the key is to ask yourself these questions and take into consideration the benefits and drawbacks of each when you're trying to decide whether to run or walk for physical fitness.
Whatever your answers, remember that you need to listen to your body. You are better off walking daily and maintaining that rhythm for several months than trying to run and pooping out after a week of treachery. Ask your body and your heart what you feel you're ready for either walking and/or running. If you listen honestly, you'll always hear the right answer for you.


What Will Happen to Your Body If You Walk Every Day

Have you ever wondered about what happens to your body when you walk every day?

How healthy is it?

Sunday 30 September 2018

2 Simple Leg Toning Exercises You Can Do in 5 Minutes

2 Simple Leg Toning Exercises You Can Do in 5 Minutes

As we get older our legs and thighs seem to be the favourite place for fat to gather. We cannot only blame it on getting old as the diet we eat and the lifestyle we lead can also contribute to getting fatter legs and thighs. It is not only losing fat that is important as a pair of strong legs is essential for efficient mobility when walking, running and lifting objects. A pair of legs that have had little exercise become weak and increase the risk of getting injured.
The only way to get your body and legs stronger and back into shape is through regular exercise and eating a healthy diet. In this article I will be providing two simple exercises that will build strength back in to your lower legs. They do not require any fancy or expensive training equipment and can be performed in the comfort of your own home.
The Supine Hamstring Curl
This exercise targets two areas. They are the hamstrings and the lower back muscles. To do this exercise you will need an inflatable exercise ball. Begin the exercise by lying flat on your back and gaze skyward. Place your arms and hands beside you. Lift your bottom off the ground to form a straight diagonal line from your head to your feet. Next, move the ball towards your bottom by bending your knees. When fully bent extend your legs forward until straight. Always keep your hips and bottom raised off the floor.
The Prone Hamstring Curl
To begin this exercise lie chest down on the floor. Place a ball about the size of a football between both feet. Hold the ball and bend your knees as you bring the ball up towards the direction of your bottom. When your knees are fully bent, stop for a second and then lower and straighten the legs. When your legs are fully extended repeat the movement.
This exercise works very effectively with a resistance band. Take the band and fasten it to a secure support close by. Take the other end and tie it around each ankle. Bend your legs and feel the tension as you move the back of your feet towards your bottom.
Make sure you do a warm up before doing any physical exercises. Always consult a doctor or physician for advice before doing any new exercise program especially if you have a medical condition or injury.


How To Tighten Loose Skin After Pregnancy

Need to tighten your loose skin after poignancy? Then have  go at is video and see if it can help you.


Saturday 29 September 2018

Best Exercises For Toning

Best Exercises For Toning

Toning is something that both men and women strive to accomplish with their workouts. Women want to tone their trouble areas to create a leaner look that gives them a strong feminine shape, while men strive to tone their larger muscle groups to make them appear more cut and ripped. The best exercises for toning target individual areas of the body, and provide exceptional results at a fast rate.
Arm Toning
The best exercises for toning the arms include bicep curls, kickbacks or reverse bicep curls, pushups, and pull ups. These exercises will help to tone the muscles of the front and back portions of your arms. No more flab that wiggles when you wave to someone across the street and no more embarrassing pock marks from the cellulite on your arms. With a few short reps of each of these exercises a few times a week, you can tone your arms firm in a matter of weeks.

Stomach Toning
As silly as it sounds one of the best exercises for toning your stomach are good old fashioned sit-ups. If executed properly, there is no risk to the neck and the results of this exercise on your abdominal muscles cannot be denied. Other popular stomach toning exercises include medicine ball crunches, side bends, and leg lifts. These techniques may seem elementary compared to the new gadgets, but these tried and tested favorites will get the job done faster than any new method.
Bottom Toning
Exercises to tighten the tush are far more popular with women than with men, but are important all the same. Some of the best exercises for toning the bottom tone other areas of the body at the same time. For instance, lunges are great for targeting the muscles of your bottom, but they also help to tone the muscles of your thighs as well. Butt squeezes, chair sits and squats also multi task, and tone various parts of the body while working your derriere.
Leg Toning
Leg toning exercises are techniques that can also work to tone various other parts of your body. The best exercises for toning your legs include calf raises, lunges, leg extensions, and stair climbing, which also help to tone the muscles of the butt and back as well. Leg toning exercises are some of the most unpleasant to do, but something as simple as taking the stairs instead of the elevator once a day, can eventually produce results.

While both men and women strive to tone the muscles of their bodies, they wish to do it in separate ways. The best exercises for toning the various muscles of the body can help either sex achieve the results that they desire when done properly. When muscles are toned, they burn fat in a more productive way, and help the body to appear more attractive and in shape.


How To Lose Weight FAST After Pregnancy

look at this transformation.
