Saturday, 30 June 2018
Eat Oatmeal Everyday And See What Will Happens To Your Body - Benefits O...
Check out what happens when you eat oatmeal everyday to your body.
Top Three Healthy Weight Loss Diet Plan
Top Three Healthy Weight Loss Diet Plan
Choosing the right and healthy weight loss diet plan not require some research on how effective the weight loss plan is in helping you attain your weight loss goal in good time but also whether the plan is one that leads to long term weight loss. healthy weight loss diet plan should be the aim of many dieters but not many know how to know a healthy weight loss diet plan. This article will help you determine which weight loss plan is a healthy weight loss diet plan and which is not.
The best and healthy weight loss diet plan should be those that will change you the way you think about foods, it should be one that helps you make healthy choices that will leading to losing weight. Any one trying or thinking of losing weight should look the way of any weight loss plan that deals with reeducation, balanced diet and healthy weight loss exercise. Any plan that deals with such factors as mentioned above would not only help you to lose weight but also help you keep it off and stay healthy, which means you can lose weight and still be making the right choices.
Stay off Yo-Yo Dieting
Yo-Yo diets are not only a bad way to lose weight but also cause diverse health problems to any one on them, both physically and emotionally. Any one on Yo-Yo diets should know that any weight lost through this method will be regained and even more in the nearest future. You should also know that whenever you lose weight and you regained it back you are teaching your body how to fail and sending a wrong message to your brain - telling your brain to adapt to failure. It is always advisable to adopt the best weight loss tips available so as to prepare yourself for a lifelong weight loss diet plan that is healthy and successful. Make this lifestyle change the permanent one through sensible choices and positive tactics.
Psychological Reasons
The best weight loss tips are those which are seen to be successful. Any dieter who is seeing the required result is most likely to continue whatever created the results in the first place. Psychological aspect of weight loss is as important as the physical aspect of a weight loss plan. The aim or goal or healthy eating and a change in life style over a long time should be the result of any weight loss plan that is selected and implemented by the dieter. You can always use supplements to start but your main aim should be to make healthy choices all the time.
Implement a New and healthy Lifesytle
for a long term weight loss plan, the new regimen and a change in your eating will also lead to a change your thoughts about life in general. You are certain to keep off the weight because you are now wiser and are now making better choices when it comes to food and exercise and some other activities which you enjoy. If you learn how not to return to your old ways of eating, activity levels and other bad life styles you will maintain the your ideal weight levels and never get fat again. These life styles if maintain for a very long time will will become the norm, even without thinking about the choices you are making.
The above weight loss tips are one of the many Healthy Weight Loss Diet Plans available to help those who want to lose weight and live a healthy lifestyle. The key to healthy weight loss is getting Healthy Weight Loss Diet Plan and stick to it and also make healthy eating habit a part of your daily lifestyle. Exercise regularly. Learn to forgive yourself if you skip one of your daily routine but make sure you don't quit. And most importantly expect success. Success will not be achieved instantly but if you persist, you would get there. All these things will help you to take the weight off and keep it off for a lifetime. When the new way of living and eating becomes the norm, then you will never again need to go on a diet.
Friday, 29 June 2018
3 Healthy Dinner Recipes For Weight Loss | Easy Dinner Recipes
Racking your brain to find that healthy dinner? Then think know more, as here are 3 healthy dinner recipes.
Discover How a Quick Weight Loss Can Be a Healthy Weight Loss - Phase III
Discover How a Quick Weight Loss Can Be a Healthy Weight Loss - Phase III
We left off with my last article of "Discover How a Quick Weight Loss Can Be a Healthy Weight Loss - Phase II". In review, you learned how to exercise regularly in order to ensure that your healthy weight loss is also a quick weight loss. Now, we are on to Phase III of your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss journey. What is the third and final fitness tuning path that I must pursue after you have adopted a complete and healthy diet and a regular workout routine? What is the last and final path towards your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss?
Phase III of your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss journey is your intake of fluids. Ok, stop the presses! You mean that what I drink actually matters when it comes to a healthy weight loss and quick weight loss? The answer is yes, big time! Everyone knows that you must hydrate yourself in order to survive. In fact, everyone knows that you can die of dehydration sooner than you can die of hunger. So, the fluids that you put into you body are extremely important when it comes to the success of your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss journey. In fact, fluid intake is critical upon the success or failure of your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss endeavor.
Water is the first key liquid in your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss journey's success. Water is extremely important when it comes to your body. First of all, you body is 80% water. Without a constant intake of water, your body would eventually start shutting down until you died. So, we take water pretty seriously when it comes to a healthy weight loss and quick weight loss. Water hydrates your body, is used to flush toxins from your system, and keeps your lungs moist during cardiovascular activity. It is recommended to take in 8 - 10 8oz. glasses of water per day, and I recommend that you start doing so. Your body must have plenty of water to do its part in achieving a healthy weight loss and quick weight loss. Take a large water bottle and a cup with you to work. When the water bottle is empty, then refill it. Having the water present will encourage you to drink it more often. Your body will thank you for it by flushing out the toxins from your system that can actually impede upon the success of your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss journey.
Coffee and soda must be eliminated from your diet to succeed in your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss journey. Soda should only be had occasionally as a reward for your hard work. For me, I have a soda when I have pizza, and that is about it. Your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss is dependent upon a minimum amount of caffeine intake, and increased water intake when drinking caffeine. Caffeine is a diuretic, and will actually pull the water from your body. This is extremely bad when it comes to your body operating at top efficiency while you're exercising. Believe me, you will feel the difference! I will treat myself to the occasional energy drink in replacement of my afternoon snack mentioned in Phase I. However, your journey towards a healthy weight loss and quick weight loss will be an unpleasant one with too much caffeine intake.
Green tea is the best and highest recommended caffeinated beverage that you can have for your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss journey. Most of them are even decaffeinated! I would recommend that you have 3 - 4 cups of hot green tea per day. Studies have shown an increase in energy levels and metabolisms for subjects who took in certain quantities of green tea on a daily basis, which also resulted in reduction of body fat content. The study showed that for positive results, 3 cups per day were necessary for a 156 lb. subject. (More information on the health benefits of green tea will be made available to members of my website listed below.) However, in relation to your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss journey, you have just found your replacement for coffee!
For those of you that want something more to drink during your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss journey... When it comes to fitness tuning, you want to choose wisely about what you put into your body, and not base your decision upon taste alone. Unfortunately, the majority of people base their beverage choices on taste and usually upon it being a sweet taste, which means too much sugar. However, there are a few key beverages that can give you some flavor variety, as well as give you a healthy weight loss and quick weight loss boost as well!
POM Wonderful 100% Pomegranate Juice - Packed with cancer fighting anti-oxidants, and was rated as the top source of anti-oxidants of all beverages on the market.
Vitamin A & D Organic Milk & Organic Soymilk with Calcium - Fatty acids, calcium, Vitamin A & D, as well as isoflavones and protein with the soymilk, give you more health benefits than you can shake a stick at.
Tropicana Essentials Fiber, Heart, & Antioxidant Advantage - Packed with Vitamin C, the Essentials line of Tropicana orange juice offers a wide variety of health benefits tailored for your specific needs.
Sobe No Fear (Sugar Free) - I have found this to be the best of the energy drinks on the market for me. I don't drink them every day, but they serve well on a jam-packed day of 10+ hours of work followed by time at the gym. (Remember: drink extra water when drinking caffeine!)
Gatorade Performance Series & Propel Fitness Water - Jam packed with electrolytes, I try to drink the Performance Series an hour before my workout, and follow my workout with a Propel Fitness Water.
Changing the quality of fluids taken into your body each day is the final path toward your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss journey. You now have at your disposal the three phases to your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss success. Ensure that you adhere to the promise that you have made to yourself, and ensure that you follow all three paths. Your success in your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss journey is dependent upon you and you alone. Further information will be distributed to members of my free membership site listed below. You will gain access to fitness tuning nutrition, dieting, and fitness information, including information relating to all three phases of your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss journey. So, embark on your journey and lead the way to your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss success!
Thursday, 28 June 2018
V-Shape Back Workout
Want to get that V-shape back? Then check this video out .
Discover How a Quick Weight Loss Can Be a Healthy Weight Loss - Phase II
Discover How a Quick Weight Loss Can Be a Healthy Weight Loss - Phase II
We left off with my last article of "Discover How a Quick Weight Loss Can Be a Healthy Weight Loss - Phase I". As a recap, you learned how you should adjust your diet to ensure that your healthy weight loss is also a quick weight loss. Now, we are on to Phase II of your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss journey. So, what is the next fitness tuning path that I must pursue after you have adopted a complete and healthy diet?
Phase II of your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss journey is exercise. Now that you have adopted a complete and healthy diet, and your body has all of the vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates and proteins that it is supposed to, it is time to put all of that good work to use! Exercise is the next key ingredient to the amazing recipe of your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss. Not only must you exercise, but you must do so intelligently. There is no need for you to try to kill yourself in the beginning. Instead, it is better for you to take baby steps and to work yourself up to advanced workout routines. The road to a healthy weight loss and quick weight loss will only be as bumpy as you choose to make it!
Start you healthy weight loss and quick weight loss workouts slowly. That means that you should work yourself up to doing advanced workouts. My working out started with cardiovascular activity, and body training. I would suggest that you do the same. Body training will consist of using your own body weight to train your muscles. This means that you do push-ups, sit-ups & crunches, pull-ups, squats, lunges, dips, reverse crunches, calf-raises, and flutter kicks. These are excellent exercises to start Phase II of your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss, and builds up your muscles' endurance. Do as many minutes of cardiovascular exercise that you can, following the completion of your body training exercises. Start yourself at ten minutes and work your way up to thirty minutes. This is the preparation step necessary for a successful Phase II of your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss.
The next step of your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss is to move your fitness tuning efforts into the gym. Once you are able to pump out your body training exercises like a professional, then you are ready for weight and resistance training. Depending upon your body type and desire for body type, the method of gym training for your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss journey differs. To plainly put it, if you want to put on muscle size and increase strength, you will use more weight with fewer repetitions; if you are solely concerned about core strength and toning your body, then you will use less weight and more repetitions. Deciding upon what body type you want is the easiest part of a healthy weight loss and quick weight loss journey. With either method, use the pyramid set structure. This means to increase your weight with each set of the exercise, and complete 3 sets per exercise. Refer to my fitness tuning website, listed below, if further information is needed regarding healthy weight loss and quick weight loss exercises or exercise techniques.
During Phase II of your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss journey, remember to use your head. When you are starting a new exercise for the first time, use an extremely light weight. Not only will this ensure that you don't injure yourself doing the exercise, but it will also allow you to use proper form for the exercise from the very beginning. Achieving a healthy weight loss and quick weight loss is impossible if you injure yourself in the gym. In fact, a gym injury can set your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss exercise program back weeks, even months. Remember, if you can't do ten repetitions of your third set of an exercise, that's OK as well. As long as you can do ten repetitions of the first two sets of the exercise, then eventually your strength will build enough for you to do ten repetitions of the third exercise. This is the fitness tuning method of Phase II of your healthy weight loss and a quick weight loss, and has been working for fitness enthusiasts for years.
The gym portion of your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss is simple. You do three exercises per muscle group, and do two muscle groups per day. This means you can do chest and triceps the first day, back and biceps the second day, and legs and shoulders the third day. Finish your exercise routines off on those three days with twenty or thirty minutes of cardiovascular exercise. On the fourth day, do only abdominal exercises, unless you are working your abdominal muscles on the other three days along with the other muscle groups. If this is the case, then the fourth day is a complete day of rest. In order to be completely successful in your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss journey, you must give your body time to recuperate. You are giving your body the nutrients that it needs to recuperate from your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss efforts, but the last ingredient is rest.
By utilizing these exercise methods and techniques, you will ensure success in Phase II of your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss journey. Once you have mastered the gym routines listed above, then you are ready for more advanced training methods. You are able to find out more information on all of the fitness tuning training techniques for a healthy weight loss and quick weight loss program listed in this article, as well as more advanced training methods, by clicking on my website's link below. You can join my free membership website, and gain access to all of the nutrition, dieting, and fitness information that I send to all of my members. You will also be able to build the workout routine that is best for you, and ensure your success in Phase II of your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss journey today!
Wednesday, 27 June 2018
Morning Yoga For Weight Loss - 20 Minute Workout Fat Burning Yoga Meltdo...
Check this yoga workout that says will help burn your fat. Have a go and let me know what you think.
Discover How a Quick Weight Loss Can Be a Healthy Weight Loss-Phase I
Discover How a Quick Weight Loss Can Be a Healthy Weight Loss-Phase I
How can a quick weight loss also be a healthy weight loss? Truthfully, if this is the thought on your mind, you are miles ahead of the majority of people interested in weight loss today. In fact, the true thought that the majority of weight loss seeker are having is, "How can I have a quick weight loss?" There is no mention of a healthy weight loss at all! The problem is that everyone wants the results, but doesn't care about what they have to do to get there. More importantly, they don't care about the long term negative affects that will follow their quick weight loss. In order to achieve your healthy weight loss and for it to also be a quick weight loss, you must make some fitness tuning changes to your body.
Now that we've identified that your mind should be on how a quick weight loss must also be a healthy weight loss, let's get you there! We are going to address several things regarding your life and how you live it. I will give you the paths that you need to take in order for you to get to a healthy weight loss. Then you will need to go down those paths, one at a time. How well and how dedicated you are to accomplishing the completion of those paths will determine whether or not you have a quick weight loss. I will give you the tools to make a healthy weight loss also be a quick weight loss, but you must use them, and use them properly, for your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss to occur.
Step one, to achieve your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss, will be to make some changes to your diet. You must, and must want to, start with your diet. If you are a person that has a minimal or non-existent amount of exercise done each week, then trying to tackle that step first can be disastrous. If you run into the gym, before you correct your dieting deficiencies, you will feel a great deal of fatigue during exercise, and possibly faintness, dizziness, and extended muscle soreness and fatigue afterwards. To begin your stepping into a healthy weight loss and quick weight loss, you must first begin with giving your body the nutrients that it needs. Otherwise, your quest towards a healthy weight loss and quick weight loss will be that much more difficult, not to mention less enjoyable!
The dieting change to begin your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss journey is your daily food intake. You should have three meals a day, each containing a carbohydrate, a fruit or vegetable, and a protein. These items must also be evenly proportioned for each meal. You should get plenty of whole grains in your diet, so make sure that your carbohydrate sources are whole grain as often as possible. Ensure that you also get plenty of good cholesterol in order to keep your cholesterol level under control. This means that you should be eating a variety of nuts, eggs, and fish and including olive oil in your diet. In fact, I would recommend at least one meal a day which contains some kind of fish. Not only is it a good source of protein, but the Omega-3 oils that are contained in fattier fishes such as salmon and mackerel are essential for a healthy weight loss and quick weight loss, as well as healthy living.
Some fitness tuning suggestions for your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss diet.In the morning, I start my day with a fruit, a bowl of oatmeal and some bacon or sausage, followed by a multivitamin. For lunch you should also plan your lunch to contain a protein source, a carbohydrate, and a vegetable. I only have fruit with my meal in the morning, due to the fact that the sugar will help you to start your day by giving you the energy that you need. Vegetables contain more vitamins and minerals than fruit and therefore must be of higher concentration in your diet. My dinner always contains a meat, pasta or potatoes, and a steamed vegetable or salad. The fiber from the fruits and vegetables will slow down the absorption of the carbohydrates into your body, and will allow you to burn off absorbed carbohydrates before they can be stored as fat. By following these diet guidelines, your healthy weight loss will become a quick weight loss as well. Plus, you will have the energy to begin the next path towards your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss journey that will be found in Phase II.
Believe it or not, your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss plan involves snacks! In order to ensure that you are supporting your body's needs for Phase II of your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss journey, you must have two between-meal snacks. I continually use protein bars and protein shakes as my between-meal snack. However, I have also been known to use trail-mix that contains more nuts than fruits. Your goal is to ensure that your body is getting all of the proteins that it needs to support Phase II of your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss plan. If you should ever feel a craving for something sweet, then have a piece of fruit. Some fruits have more sugars than others, such as bananas, grapes, pineapples, raisins, and mangos, and should be eaten sparingly. These are the desserts that will help to lead to your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss, not to mention a healthier you.
You have now completed Phase I of your journey towards your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss. You have started your fitness tuning process by ensuring that the foods that you take into your body are healthy and contain all of the elements needed for your body's healthy lifestyle. I will be following this article with Phase II of your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss journey, but you will be able to get more information regarding proper dieting and the benefits from doing so by clicking on my fitness tuning website's link below. You will be able to join my free membership website, and gain access to all of the nutrition, dieting, and fitness information that I share with all of my members from week to week. Begin Phase I of your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss journey today, and you will soon lead yourself to the results that you desire.
Tuesday, 26 June 2018
4 Healthy Pasta Recipes For Weight Loss
Love pasta as much as me? Then check these 4 healthy pasta recipes out. These will surely make your mouth water.
5 Great Fitness and Health Tips
5 Great Fitness and Health Tips
Keeping healthy is extremely important, no matter what age you happen to be. It's imperative that you take measures to work on your health and fitness throughout your entire life. Wondering where you can begin? Well, here are 5 great fitness and health tips that you can use to make sure you stay healthy and fit all your life.
Tip #1 - Get Moving - First of all, if you want to stay fit and healthy, you have to get moving. Every day you need to think about how you can get moving in order to keep your body in good shape. There are many little things that you can do to keep moving throughout the day. While going to the gym is a great idea, you don't have to spend an hour at the gym in order to get the movement that you need. Simply take the time to take the dog for a walk, mow your own lawn, take the stairs, park further away in the parking lot, or even to play with your kids. This will help you to get the exercise that you need on a regular basis and it is also great for lowering your stress level too.
Tip #2 - Cut Back the Fat - Another important tip to remember for fitness and health is to make sure that you cut back the fat in your diet. Bad fats can lead to a variety of different physical problems that can end up haunting you as you grow older. So, start cutting the fried foods out of your diet, as well as fast food and even meets that are fatty, such as sausage, bacon, salami, and even ham. You should limit dairy products as well and eat lower fat products instead. Limit the sauces, lunch meats, butter, and mayonnaise that you eat as well. Try to eat lean and you'll definitely reap the benefits.
Tip #3 - De-Stress - Start getting rid of some of the stress in your life. Stress can lead to a variety of health problems. Spend time enjoying yourself each day, such as listening to music, enjoying a hot bath, a long walk, or even reading. Meditating can also help you out as well.
Tip #4 - Stop Smoking - One of the worst things that you can do for your health is to smoke. If you want to be healthier, then one of the best things that you can do for your health is to stop smoking. When you smoke you raise the risk for a variety of nasty diseases, so take the steps to quit as soon as you can.
Tip #5 - Drink More Water - Most people don't drink enough water each day and it shows in their health and fitness. If you want to be fit and healthy, then water is an important part of your diet. You should be drinking at least 8-10 glasses each day, and more when you are exercising. The body needs water to be healthy, and the more you drink water, the healthier you will be.
These are just 5 great fitness and health tips that can really make a difference in your life. Nothing can replace your health, so take the time to follow these tips so you can improve your health for life.
Sunday, 24 June 2018
4 Healthy Soup Recipes For Weight Loss, Easy Soup Recipes
Healthy soups yummy. These will be good to know for the winter.
4 Healthy Salad Recipes For Weight Loss | Easy Salad Recipes
Check these healthy salads out. Tell me what you think?
Bounce Back After a Baby
Bounce Back After a Baby
Nicole Kidman, Naomi Watts and Cate Blanchett have unveiled post-baby bodies in the past that have surprised women worldwide.
Squeezing back into your favourite little black dress so soon after childbirth may not be a realistic option for new mums who don't have the luxury and expertise of a full-time dietician, nanny and personal trainer, on hand, 24/7. Especially, if you are a more mature new mum, being part of the strong, modern trend of having kids later in life.
New mums, at any age, are often overwhelmed with their changed body shape and extra baby weight. According to fitness expert Angela Houseman, the average woman should not use celebrities as role models. "It's inevitable that women will envy superstars who go from being 9 months pregnant to a size 6 overnight," said Ms Houseman.
Angela Houseman has had two children and understands the pressures that are placed on women who have just given birth. "When I had both my children, I suffered envy when I read magazines of celebrity mums who had given birth and looked terrific. But the reality is, the average person does not have a host of staff to help out with everyday living."
According to Embracing Motherhood, an organisation that supports mums after giving birth, most new mums will go through dramatic changes both emotionally and physically before, during and after the birth process. The more mums look after themselves, the greater their chances of a recovery in both areas.
It is the norm in our culture for the attention to move away from the mum and onto the new born baby after childbirth, often to the detriment of the mum. In traditional cultures within Asia, South America, the Middle East and India there is recognition that mums will need a longer period of time to rest and recover after childbirth. This can be anywhere from a few weeks up to a few months for their rest and recovery.
"A woman's body can take as long to recover as it does to make a baby: but in particular, the six week postnatal period is extremely important for supporting new mums back to health," says Ms Flack from Embracing Motherhood. "Women who give birth go through a complete physical and emotional change and require enormous support during the postnatal period. Unfortunately, often society does not acknowledge this need."
Six facts for new mums:
o Up to 20% of women have postnatal weight retention.
o Up to 76% of new mums report ongoing fatigue in the postnatal period. Fatigue is a major contributor to depression.
o At least 15% of Australian mums suffer Postnatal Depression.
o 83% of new mums initiate breastfeeding and less than 18% of mums continue to breastfeed after 6 months.
o Approximately 50% of new mums report ongoing backache.
o More than 40% of women have caesareans leading to longer recovery times.
o Up to 76% of new mums report ongoing fatigue in the postnatal period. Fatigue is a major contributor to depression.
o At least 15% of Australian mums suffer Postnatal Depression.
o 83% of new mums initiate breastfeeding and less than 18% of mums continue to breastfeed after 6 months.
o Approximately 50% of new mums report ongoing backache.
o More than 40% of women have caesareans leading to longer recovery times.
Amy Hopes, wife of Grinspoon drummer Kristian, recently undertook the 30 day postnatal recovery program with Embracing Motherhood, after giving birth to her first child in September last year. The aim of the postnatal recovery program is to support mums in getting their body and mind back to a full recovery. Amy feels her inexperience is typical of most first time mums. "I had the perfect pregnancy and presumed I would have the perfect birth. But I was in for a big shock. I had a terrible, gruelling 36 hour labour. In the end, the doctors had to break my waters and use suction to get the baby out. I was very traumatised by it and can really only now, after 4 months, start to re-live it in my mind."
Amy found it shocking that professionals encouraged her not to talk about her traumatic birth, suggesting that she would upset other first time mums. "When I went to see the midwife I burst into tears, I was so overwhelmed. The midwife said, "Don't tell other mums, you'll only put them off," which was completely shocking to me. I think mums really need to know and understand what can happen both physically and mentally. It is not focusing on the negative, but preparing yourself for what might happen."
Surprising for Amy, it was the psychological impact of childbirth that was most challenging. "Physically, I recovered well and my postnatal program was instrumental in that smooth recovery. I was very healthy and fit before I gave birth too, doing yoga exercises each day and I think this helped."
For a new mum, a feeling of isolation is inevitable. "The most important thing is knowing that someone is looking out for you and you are not on your own," says 32 year old Amy. "The problem is that if you do gain a lot of weight and you don't bounce back easily, you are stuck at home and can't get out to do any exercise. Then your weight gain can start to spiral. I think how fit and healthy you are before the baby comes has a lot to do with it."
Weightwatchers Australia recommends that you gain between 11-16 kilos during your pregnancy and advises that too much weight gain affects your ability to bounce back after birth. "On average, after the birthing process it is around .5 to 3 kilos that women struggle to lose, although some hold on to a lot more weight. Coming into pregnancy with excess weight and gaining a lot of weight during pregnancy can make it harder to lose weight afterwards." Weightwatchers suggest that achieving a healthy pre-pregnancy weight, not gaining too much weight during pregnancy, making wise food choices and getting plenty of exercise in the months following delivery, are all useful strategies for maintaining a healthy weight throughout the child-bearing years."
"If you put in the effort, you will see your post baby body start to take shape again," says personal trainer Adriana Solorzano from Optimum Personal Training. "Much of the recovery process is tied in with the mum's body type and her level of fitness and health during the pregnancy. If you've really embraced the 'eating for two' concept, it is likely you have developed some bad eating habits during your pregnancy. Many mums think the weight will fall off but bad eating habits will make it hard to lose weight, especially when you are at home with your baby and are unable to get out and exercise. The isolation and uncertainty can make new mums comfort eat too. When I get new mums to keep a food diary, they are often shocked by how much their eating habits have changed."
Physically and mentally new mums need to allow themselves time to recover and adjust after giving birth. It's important to remember that YOU are just as important in the post birth recovery process, as your precious new baby. There is plenty of support available here in Brisbane so spend some time researching and tapping into this before your baby arrives. A happy and healthy mum will be the best carer of a new born.
'Me time' for Mums in Brisbane:
Spas: Mummabubba beauty spa in Windsor allows mums to have some serious pampering time while their baby is being minded.
Coffee Break: There is an increasing number of child-friendly cafes, such as Cafe Mama at Windsor and Breathing Space at Kenmore, combining the much deserved coffee break or lunch experience with childminding in a 'kid friendly' atmosphere, so mums can relax.
Movies: 'Babes in arms' has become very popular in Brisbane for mums still wanting to be able to go to the movies and enjoy some relaxing time without having to worry about disrupting other movie goers. In Brisbane, Babes in Arms sessions are run regularly at Palace Centro in The Valley, Palace Barracks at Paddington, Birch Carol and Coyle Cinemas Carindale, Chermside, Garden City, George Street and Loganholme.
Gyms: Most gyms in Brisbane now offer childcare facilities, so check your local gym or find one close by that offers this.
Saturday, 23 June 2018
How Weight Watchers Can Help You
How Weight Watchers Can Help You
The Weight Watchers Organization
Weight Watchers is the largest and also the leading company of weight reduction products in the world. Founded in 1963, this hugely successful company focuses its diet plans around three simple concepts.
First, a successful diet plan must limit the amount of calories consumed, second, exercise is a critical component of any diet program and third, support from a team designed to help you make good choices and guide you towards your ultimate goal is a great help. The company boasts over 1.5 million members following the weight watchers diet and holds over 50,000 meetings globally every week.
How It Works
The Weight Watchers system works on a “points” basis. Points are based on the calories in a product making the plan seem more exotic. While it’s a relatively simple concept, reducing calories is a key ingredient in dropping pounds. Weight Watchers now has two alternative diets, the Flex Plan and the Core Plan.
As you would expect from the name, the Flex Plan gives you more food alternatives. This diet follows the point system, and since every type of food is assigned a “point” value, you can eat all your favorite foods, you just need to control the amount you eat. The points you are allowed to consume on any given day are based on your gender, age, weight and height. This is an easy diet to follow, with just a little math required to add up and manage your daily points.
The Core Diet strays from the basic points system and is good for people who don’t want to count and measure everything as this system is based on eating healthy foods. You can choose foods from all the basic food groups including fruits, vegetables, grains, starches, lean meats, poultry, and dairy products and you can eat all the “acceptable” food you want and even cheat once in a while with a snack (provided that it’s in a controlled amount).
Weight Watchers encourages regular exercise and their website which can be found at, has several different options. One of the changes to their program is that instead of penalizing the dieter for not exercising, the program encourages exercise by adding additional points for those exercising.
One of the other keys to the Weight Watchers programs is attending meetings. While you can use the on-line program, the support and guidance from in-person meetings greatly enhances the success rate. It’s always helpful to hear real experiences from fellow dieters and learn from their weight battles and make the necessary lifestyle changes to maintain your weight.
Weight Watchers diets do not work for everyone. The core of the diet is based on calories. There can be potential health problems linked to weight issues such as adrenal fatigue, carbohydrate sensitivity, low serotonin levels, or intestinal parasites. Also, since members need to stay within a point total, they have to eat a well balanced diet to consume all the required nutrients and vitamins the body needs for good health.
Sometimes counting points can be become tedious or lead to a food fixation. The cost of partaking in all the weight watchers programs can be quite expensive. There is a $30 sign up fee for the on-line plan and $17 per monthly, and that’s in addition to your food, and depending on the area you live in, attending weekly meeting usually costs about $10 per week.
The big question is, are people successful at losing weight with the Weight Watchers programs. In a study printed in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) in 2003 (and funded by Weight Watchers), individuals following the Weight watchers Points program lost an average of six pounds after two years. Dieters attending at least 78 percent of the weekly meetings almost doubled the weight loss to 11 pounds, to be successful in losing weight, you need to seriously follow all aspects of the program.
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