Sunday, 30 September 2018

2 Simple Leg Toning Exercises You Can Do in 5 Minutes

2 Simple Leg Toning Exercises You Can Do in 5 Minutes

As we get older our legs and thighs seem to be the favourite place for fat to gather. We cannot only blame it on getting old as the diet we eat and the lifestyle we lead can also contribute to getting fatter legs and thighs. It is not only losing fat that is important as a pair of strong legs is essential for efficient mobility when walking, running and lifting objects. A pair of legs that have had little exercise become weak and increase the risk of getting injured.
The only way to get your body and legs stronger and back into shape is through regular exercise and eating a healthy diet. In this article I will be providing two simple exercises that will build strength back in to your lower legs. They do not require any fancy or expensive training equipment and can be performed in the comfort of your own home.
The Supine Hamstring Curl
This exercise targets two areas. They are the hamstrings and the lower back muscles. To do this exercise you will need an inflatable exercise ball. Begin the exercise by lying flat on your back and gaze skyward. Place your arms and hands beside you. Lift your bottom off the ground to form a straight diagonal line from your head to your feet. Next, move the ball towards your bottom by bending your knees. When fully bent extend your legs forward until straight. Always keep your hips and bottom raised off the floor.
The Prone Hamstring Curl
To begin this exercise lie chest down on the floor. Place a ball about the size of a football between both feet. Hold the ball and bend your knees as you bring the ball up towards the direction of your bottom. When your knees are fully bent, stop for a second and then lower and straighten the legs. When your legs are fully extended repeat the movement.
This exercise works very effectively with a resistance band. Take the band and fasten it to a secure support close by. Take the other end and tie it around each ankle. Bend your legs and feel the tension as you move the back of your feet towards your bottom.
Make sure you do a warm up before doing any physical exercises. Always consult a doctor or physician for advice before doing any new exercise program especially if you have a medical condition or injury.


How To Tighten Loose Skin After Pregnancy

Need to tighten your loose skin after poignancy? Then have  go at is video and see if it can help you.


Saturday, 29 September 2018

Best Exercises For Toning

Best Exercises For Toning

Toning is something that both men and women strive to accomplish with their workouts. Women want to tone their trouble areas to create a leaner look that gives them a strong feminine shape, while men strive to tone their larger muscle groups to make them appear more cut and ripped. The best exercises for toning target individual areas of the body, and provide exceptional results at a fast rate.
Arm Toning
The best exercises for toning the arms include bicep curls, kickbacks or reverse bicep curls, pushups, and pull ups. These exercises will help to tone the muscles of the front and back portions of your arms. No more flab that wiggles when you wave to someone across the street and no more embarrassing pock marks from the cellulite on your arms. With a few short reps of each of these exercises a few times a week, you can tone your arms firm in a matter of weeks.

Stomach Toning
As silly as it sounds one of the best exercises for toning your stomach are good old fashioned sit-ups. If executed properly, there is no risk to the neck and the results of this exercise on your abdominal muscles cannot be denied. Other popular stomach toning exercises include medicine ball crunches, side bends, and leg lifts. These techniques may seem elementary compared to the new gadgets, but these tried and tested favorites will get the job done faster than any new method.
Bottom Toning
Exercises to tighten the tush are far more popular with women than with men, but are important all the same. Some of the best exercises for toning the bottom tone other areas of the body at the same time. For instance, lunges are great for targeting the muscles of your bottom, but they also help to tone the muscles of your thighs as well. Butt squeezes, chair sits and squats also multi task, and tone various parts of the body while working your derriere.
Leg Toning
Leg toning exercises are techniques that can also work to tone various other parts of your body. The best exercises for toning your legs include calf raises, lunges, leg extensions, and stair climbing, which also help to tone the muscles of the butt and back as well. Leg toning exercises are some of the most unpleasant to do, but something as simple as taking the stairs instead of the elevator once a day, can eventually produce results.

While both men and women strive to tone the muscles of their bodies, they wish to do it in separate ways. The best exercises for toning the various muscles of the body can help either sex achieve the results that they desire when done properly. When muscles are toned, they burn fat in a more productive way, and help the body to appear more attractive and in shape.


How To Lose Weight FAST After Pregnancy

look at this transformation.


Friday, 28 September 2018

3 Of The Worst Things You Can Eat When You Are Trying to Get a Sexy Butt and Tone Thighs

3 Of The Worst Things You Can Eat When You Are Trying to Get a Sexy Butt and Tone Thighs

Craving a slim, well-toned bottom to sit on when beach season finally rolls around? You'll need to start planning for that early, since body fat is notoriously slow to drop off! Everyone knows that exercise, preferably of the cardiovascular sort, and basic healthy eating are necessary if you want to achieve a sexy butt and thighs.
But not everyone is aware of some of the worst foods that can promptly kick you off your healthy lifestyle in a single serving! Keep well away from the following items, if you want that fat to stay off so you can achieve the body look of a magazine cover model.
Your first warning food is the most obvious one - fast food style hamburgers. They're loaded with subtle additions of salt, butter, processed cheese, and oil that just cram in more fat on an already fatty food item. If you must have a hamburger, make it yourself.

Grill or bake instead of frying, and use non-white bread rolls. Be especially sure to avoid mayonnaise - that's a condiment that's almost PURE fat.
At the classier end of the scale, high-end steaks are scarcely better. You pay a significant amount of money for a large cut of meat that's loaded with carbs.
While the preparation methods aren't so bad, any restaurant that gives you a worthwhile steak will also load it down with huge quantities of unnecessary side items. Split the steak with a friend, and skip the baked potato for a salad.
Here's one strictly for those up north: poutine. This savory side item of cheese curds and gravy poured over french fries has far too much fat in it for something that also comes with a burger! In fact, it's worse than most standard main food items in even fast food restaurants.
The curds are the worst offense here; if you must have poutine, order it with gravy only.
This last one is going to hurt a lot of people, but it has to be said. Deep-fried carnival food is some of the absolute worst food you can EVER eat if you want to lose thigh and glut fat!
The sheer unhealthiness of the cooking process is bad enough, but the ingredients used are so bad in and of themselves that it's like eating a dessert crammed into a steak. Corndogs, funnel cake, elephant ears... you'll find nothing good for your body at the fair.
By remembering to avoid these foods, you can make your progress to great gluts and thighs much swifter and less frustrating. Sometimes, what you don't eat is just as important as what you do eat.


How to Get A Flat Stomach After Pregnancy

Just had a baby and wont your flat stomach back? Then have a go at this video and see if it helps.


Thursday, 27 September 2018

Get Your Behind Into Shape With These Butt Toning Exercises

Get Your Behind Into Shape With These Butt Toning Exercises

Everyone wants to have a shapely butt, especially in the summer when more skin is exposed. Whether your derriere is too big or too flat, there are exercises you can do to counter that. Here is a list of the best butt exercises to get a shapely, toned bottom.
One-Legged Squats
This is a variation of the classic squat exercise, and is performed one leg at a time. It will not only target the glutes, but it will also work the quads and hamstrings. Begin by standing with one foot on a stabilized exercise bench or step. Hang the back leg down behind you, ensuring not to swing it. Slowly lower your body by bending at the knee until you reach approximately a 135 degree angle. You don't want to bend too far or you will find it extremely difficult to step back up to starting position. This can be done with weights, or without. Perform between 10-15 of these, for three sets.
This exercise works the butt, quads and hamstrings. Begin by standing upright, feet together. Take a large step forward with one foot, then lower your body so that your front stepping leg is bent at a 90 degree angle, and your back knee is almost touching the floor. Then slowly raise your legs, and bring your front leg back to starting position. Repeat on each leg, and perform about 10-15 reps, for three sets.
This exercise targets the glutes and thighs. You can use your stairs, or exercise steps. The exercise step should be about 2 feet off the floor. If you're using stairs, step two stairs up for more effect. Begin by stepping up with one leg, and completely lift your body up onto the step. Then step back down to the bottom with the same leg. Alternate legs, and perform about 15 of these per leg, for three sets.
Hip Extensions
These can be performed with no weights, or with ankle straps fastened to your ankles. Get onto your elbows and knees, and lift one leg up towards the ceiling as high as you can. Bring the leg back down, and repeat on the other leg. Perform about 10-15 of these, for three sets.
Perform these exercises at least three times per week in order to see results. These exercises target the glutes, and will provide you with a shapely backside when performed on a regular basis.


18 Minute Mommy and Me Full Workout---Workout to do with baby of any age

Check this workout you can do with your child.


Wednesday, 26 September 2018

3 Powerful Tips to a Flat Stomach

3 Powerful Tips to a Flat Stomach

You can get a flat stomach if you increase the chances for yourself. Yes, there are certain things you need to do that will help you to get flat tummy with ease. Read the tips provided below in this article and give your body that flat cute stomach that you have always craved for.
1. The first tip to increase your chances of getting a flat and awesome looking stomach is to ensure that your intestines are not enlarged. Yes, this is a fact because enlarged intestines cause bloated stomach. One of the things you can do to reduce enlarged intestines is to eat fibrous foods. These would help proper digestion of foods in your body and help your system to get rid of waste products fast.

2. The second tip you must observe to increase the chance of getting a flat stomach is to work on building the muscles around your shoulder or upper part of your torso. You may want to know the reason for this. Well, if you increase your shoulder muscles, there is a possibility that your waistline will become smaller. The thing you can do to increase your shoulder muscle is to carry out strength training exercises. These are exercises that will flex and strengthen your flesh muscles and help you to get a faster metabolism.

3. The third tip you must observe to increase your chances of getting a flat and cute stomach is by consuming large volumes of water or fluids. If your body retains more fluid it will be able to function well and help you to boost metabolism. You need more water intake to increase your chances of getting a flat tummy.
If you diligently follow the awesome tips provided above, you are sure to get and increase your chances of not only getting but maintaining a flat stomach.


Exercise with Baby

Need to lose weight butt just had a baby? Then why not do your workouts with your baby. Get them involved.


Tuesday, 25 September 2018

A Flat Stomach In Two Weeks?

A Flat Stomach In Two Weeks?

If you have chosen to read this article to find out how you can get a flat stomach in two weeks then I must apologize to you. Unfortunately it is not scientifically possible for you to stumble upon a miracle formula that will enable you to show off a flat stomach in just two weeks.
Honestly, how long did it take for you to get a larger stomach than what you are comfortable with? For me it took a number of years of me neglecting healthy foods and failure to care about the size of my stomach until it was too late. Sure, if there was a way in which I could lose the excess layers fat on my stomach in two weeks then believe me I would have done it. And if there was such a product out there that could guarantee you a flat stomach in such a short space of time then that would be the best selling product on the planet!
When you see marketing campaigns offering you an opportunity to sport a flat, toned middle in just two weeks it is just to get your attention. The honest approach is to offer you the opportunity to see physical changes in your stomach area or a reduction in your weight in two weeks by strictly following their abs program and not flat stomach in two weeks.
Anyone can have 6 packs abs but it takes a lot of work. What most people fail at is the adoption of the lifestyle change needed. I know, a lifestyle change can seem pretty daunting from the offset, but it is not as scary as you may think. Look at what it took for you to have the tummy fat in the first place. Eating what ever you like, when ever you like, constantly eating snacks high in salt or sugar between meals, drinking fizzy sodas daily, doing little or no exercise, consuming meals high in fat, salt and sugars and regularly visiting fast food restaurants (junk food).

The most contributing factor for anyone regardless of your age, whether you are 13 or 60, is eating above the recommended daily calories for a person of your age, sex and height. For example if your daily recommended calorie intake is 1650 calories per day and when you calculate everything you've actually eaten from the time you wake until the time you sleep you may find you have eaten 2000 calories. Do this on a daily bases, eating more than your body needs, will mean you have excess calories. What happens to this excess? It is stored in your body as fat. To get a flat stomach you need to lose the excess stored fat.
Losing stomach fat is not just about doing abdominal exercises alone. It's about changing what you eat and exercising to burn your excess body fat. Burn your body fat and you'll be burning your stomach fat.
Find and stick to a successful abs program, following the guided advice and you'll get a flat stomach. Try not to think about how long it is going to take you to get a flat stomach, but rather think along the lines of "I'm going to have a flat stomach no matter how long it takes". Build up your knowledge and you'll gain more confidence in your tummy flattening goal.


How to Lose Belly fat After C Section #NaturalRemedies

See if this could help you to lose weight if you have had a c section.


Monday, 24 September 2018

Get a Flat Stomach Quickly

Get a Flat Stomach Quickly

For most people, achieving a flat stomach quickly is just a fantasy that unfortunately remains an illusion. In most scenarios, losing weight entails a lot of hard things to follow. For some cases, the problem does not lie on wanting to lose weight but most especially on how to execute properly the fitness regimen in order to get a Flat Stomach Fast. Several people start off with improper exercise habits and some generalized diet instructions which may have been bought online without scrutinizing if those wonder plans work.

It is true for most individuals that they want to get a stomach in shape. You may wonder if miraculous results seen on multimedia are really effective to get a Flat Stomach. Many new advertisements of products and pills are widespread in the market today which convinces people to purchase those things to get a Flat Stomach Fast. A number of people are trying to figure out if these products are just results of a good marketing campaign and not because of the effectively of the elements in it to Get a Flat Stomach Fast. With the will to succeed you will get results.
The first thing you need to recognize to get a trim waistline is that it really needs an effort to be realized. You need to exercise your abdominal and oblique muscles in a proper fitness regimen in order to get a Flat Stomach Fast. Doing just a stomach exercise won't do you any good. You also need to lose those excessive fats that surround your stomach or they will push your stomach away farther than your goal. You can learn the best exercises. As a result, you will gain bigger and powerful abdominal muscles but it will not form into abs because the fats are still there. In terms of exercise regimen, to get a Flat Stomach Fast is to lose weight at your stomach while exercising your abdominal muscles. This is the easiest and the only way to get a Flat Stomach Fast.
Aside from doing the fitness exercise, getting your abs tight and flat depends on a new plan to change your lifestyle starting by creating healthy habits. It may be hard to break a bad habit but trying hard to do less negative habits one at a time will do the trick. A lot of people do not think of this as an important factor to get a Flat Stomach Fast which often leads them into frustration. A healthy and well-balanced diet is one critical factor of diminishing stomach fats. It is not sufficient to begin eating small bits or pieces of food. You also need to know the food groups for proper consumption and assist your healthy work out. You should make some room for food intake advice to give you a customized diet plan that fits your stomach needs and take time to learn about fat burning food available in the market to help.

A full understanding of your stomach process will lead you to healthy and good habits. Men and women have different work out plans because they have different body structures and metabolism rates. You need to study these things to organize a personalized diet and fitness plan. Firming your abdominal muscles is just easy when you know how to get a flat stomach fast we will show you how.
Are you ready to give up on getting a flat stomach?
I know how hard it can be to get your stomach in shape after years of neglect, but if you really want change your life you'll need to learn a single method that works amazingly well.


My fitness journey

Wow check this journey out. See it can be done.


Sunday, 23 September 2018

An Athlete's Secret to Flat Stomach

An Athlete's Secret to Flat Stomach

If you currently have a big and bulgy stomach, I have good news for you. I used to have very big stomach too and did everything I could to get rid of it, to no avail. But today I have the perfect athletic flat stomach that is the envy of not just my friends, but even younger folks that desire flat stomach.
You see, just like everyone else, when I was in my late twenties, into my early thirties, I discovered that my stomach was getting increasingly bigger. I tried dozens and even hundreds of sit-up exercises to get the fat off, but they didn't seem to work as well as they should. I even tried jogging several times per week but sadly that didn't work as much as I thought they would. I noticed that my stomach was getting flat but not as much as I thought they would. And the results just weren't sustainable.

I was getting increasingly restless about this problem until I met a 45 year old very good looking former athletic with perfectly flat stomach. It was he that told me his secrets to not only getting but also effectively retaining his flat stomach. At first I thought it was the fact that he was a former athlete that helped him in getting and maintaining his flat tummy, but he said that wasn't the secret.
According to him, the secret to getting and maintain his firm, sexy and flat tummy was just one simple secret! Can't wait to read what it is... well, here it goes...
Staying Away From As Much Fried Foods as Possible!
I was shocked and confused when he told me this secret. "Is that all", I asked, exasperated. Shrugging his shoulders all he said was "try it and you will see". I did and few weeks later, I noticed my stomach was going down and wait for this - without more exercises than I had been doing! In just few months I had lost lots of my stomach fat. The results blew me away.

Even though I still engage in exercises each week (and yes, they help somewhat), I know that keeping and maintaining my flat stomach had more to do with what I ate, than the exercises I engaged in. Lots of my friends have also experienced the same results applying this secret to flat stomach.
If you want to get similar results, I highly recommend that you watch the kinds of food that you eat. Fried foods have been known to contain excess fats which work to negatively store up inside the cells as well as the tissues of your stomach. The less fried foods you eat, the more flat your stomach will get.
But of course, it still pays to do lots of exercises, as they not only help you get and maintain flat stomach but also help you maintain a healthy life.


My Fit Pregnancy Journey | Prenatal Exercise by FitBeautyMom

Check this journey of weight loss after she had her baby.


Saturday, 22 September 2018

How Do I Get a Flat Stomach?

How Do I Get a Flat Stomach?

Everyone just wants to know, 'How do I get a flat stomach?'. The truth is, really isn't a complex process. So why does it seem to elude most people? What do some people do that others don't? Or is it simply a matter of genetics and is out of your control? Are there really steps that you can take to lose excess stomach fat and finally get a flat stomach?
Why Do Many People Fail?
What most people miss is that getting a flat stomach is a process. They go into it thinking, 'I just need to lose about 15-20 pounds and I'll be in the clear'. That is of course easier said than done. But it also misses the fact that you just don't wake up one day with having lost dramatic levels of excess body fat. There are clear steps that you need to take to reach that level of success. It won't just happen, you need to go through the process.
How to Get a Flat Stomach
Okay, let's just answer the question at hand, 'How do I get a flat stomach?'. The answer is not a hard one to answer. You do not have a flat stomach now because you have stored extra body fat around your stomach and mid section. So, you must lose that excess fat that hangs off of your body. This is done through a process of exercise and weight loss. This may be easier said than done, but it is what is required to succeed. There is no miracle process, and this won't happen overnight. Your current lifestyle has resulted in your overweight stomach, so you will need to change aspects of that lifestyle to get and maintain a flat stomach.
It is a common misconception that you will only need to exercise regularly to get a flat stomach. In reality, if you only exercise and build your stomach muscles, it will actually make your appearance worse! Even though your stomach muscles will grow and become more toned and defined, you will still have the same level of excess fat around your stomach. So because your stomach muscles are bigger, it will push out your extra stomach fat and make your stomach look even bigger. So it will take a combination of both diet and exercise.

Dieting to Get a Flat Stomach
Don't go into shock, but you will have to lose that excess fat if you want to get a flat stomach. Your body takes in calories, nutrients, and what have you every time you eat. When you start taking in more than your body burns, then it will have to start storing the excess somewhere, and usually starting with your stomach. You need to get to a point where what you take in is about the same amount that your body burns through. This is done with proper diet and eating habits. This
is just as important, if not more so, than stomach exercises. If you really want to get a flat stomach, you will have to take the proper steps to adjust your current dieting habits.
So what is the best way to get a flat stomach? Well, there is no magic bullet that will get it for you. What you need to do is get into a regular exercise routine that focuses on your stomach and abdominal muscles. Accompany this with healthy changes in your diet and you will be well on your way. It isn't an overly complicated process, but not everyone puts it all together.

Final Thoughts
Now you should have a fuller understanding on what it takes to finally get a flat stomach. You need to include both exercise and some diet changes, because one alone won't do the trick. It isn't the easiest thing to do in your life, but if you take it one step at a time, you will be well on your way.


Top 5 Exercises to Reduce Side Fat

Got back fat you wont to get rid?


Friday, 21 September 2018

Good Ab Workouts for Women After Pregnancy

Good Ab Workouts for Women After Pregnancy

Attempting to lose the old belly "pooch" after having a baby can be challenging for many new moms. Why? Of course there can be many reasons, but one main reason is that they are just too darn busy taking care of their little one(s) to exercise, eat properly, get to the gym, etc. Sound familiar? Exercise after pregnancy doesn't have to be challenging. It just so happens that as long as you own a DVD player, most of these can be done right at home. In this article, we are going to talk about some good ab workouts for women, many that are all available on DVD.
1. Zumba. Many people have heard of Zumba by now but many may still not know exactly what type of workout it is. Zumba is a latin-inspired cardio dance workout that includes the merengue, salsa, cumbia and hip hop moves, to name a few. Zumba has really become a popular form of exercise due to it's fun moves and international music. You can buy it on DVD, take a Zumba class, and it is even offered on 3 major gaming systems (the Wii, XBox and PS3). I, personally, became hooked on Zumba and I now do it all the time. I am starting to see those sexy lines in my upper abs that I have never seen before, not even before having my 2 children! How is it a good ab workout? Zumba involves a lot of hip and ab movement in it, so it really gets your abs working.

2. Belly Dancing. Belly dancing is a great form of exercise after pregnancy because it has nice gentle movements, that let you ease back into working out again. These are good ab workouts for women because many of the exercises are geared towards the belly area... hence the name belly dancing. So, if you are looking for something different that can make you feel sexy as you do it, and also gets your abs in shape, belly dancing may just be what you're looking for. There are classes you can take at gyms, or DVDs you can do at home (Kathy Smith has a good one).

3. Yoga. Many people think that yoga is just a stress reliever (which, by the way, is great for a new mom of course), but in reality it is great for toning your body, including your abs. Think of strength training with weights, and now think of strength training using your own body weight. Essentially, that's what yoga is because you are using your own body weight as resistance. Although yoga is great for toning your overall body, it has moves that really work your abdominals. Try it out if you haven't already; there are many yoga DVDs and yoga classes that are offered all the time. Yoga is also offered on gaming systems, including the Wii Fit game.

4. Pilates. Pilates workouts are good ab workouts for women as the exercises are mainly targeted at the abdominals. This is another great exercise after pregnancy because it contains slower, but effective, movements for toning your body. An article on states "Many types of people, at many levels of fitness, who have begun doing Pilates exercises say they've seen improvements in range of motion, flexibility, circulation, posture, and abdominal strength". Again, Pilates is offered in gyms, as well as on gaming systems and on DVD.
5. Swimming. You have seen the bodies on swimmers, right? And have you noticed their abs? In one word, beautiful. Many people don't realize just how good of a workout swimming is, it is great for strength (from the resistance of the water), as well as a good cardio workout. What is perfect is that you don't get all of that icky sweating that comes along with a workout that is "on land". Swimming is a great abdominal workout because everything is coming from the core. In an article on, a swim coach by the name of T.J. Fry says "They are going to be using their abs to maintain the rotation, to maintain a straight line or a stable body form but they're also going to use their back a lot and that is the v-shape that you see with a lot of those swimmers". While any type of swimming is going to be beneficial, 2 good types of strokes for the abs are the butterfly and freestyle.
As we talked about here, all of these types of exercises are good ab workouts for women, but you also need to eat a healthy diet and do cardio and strength training on a regular basis. By combining all of these types of workouts on a regular basis, you will have both strength and cardio workouts. Remember, when it comes to exercise after pregnancy, always have your doctor's permission before beginning any kind of exercise routine.


15 Yoga Poses That'll Make Your Stomach Flat

Want to have a flat belly? Then have a go at yoga.


Thursday, 20 September 2018

Swimming For Pregnancy Fitness? Uncover the Hidden Risks That No One Will Tell You!

Swimming For Pregnancy Fitness? Uncover the Hidden Risks That No One Will Tell You!

When you think about pregnancy exercise there are a few things that immediately spring to mind as safe activities  for pregnancy. Ask any pregnant woman what she would consider a safe form of pregnancy exercise and she is likely to say Yoga, Pilates or Swimming as her top answers.
In fact, swimming is recommended by practically everyone in your professional care team and for good reason. Swimming during pregnancy has several benefits for your pregnant body that you won't get from any other form of pregnancy exercise. 

It's greatest asset is that the near weightless environment of the water provides a safe place for you to work out large muscle groups and the cardiovascular system, with very little risk of injury.
Swimming during pregnancy also increases maternal aerobic capacity, which in plain English, means that your body will be able to transport oxygen more effectively to working muscles, increasing their performance and giving you better results from your pregnancy workout.
A lot of women also find swimming during pregnancy provides them with a sense of wellbeing as well as relieving morning sickness.
But there are a few things you need to know before you go diving in the pool that your professional care team WON'T tell you.
Breast isn't always best
Breast stroke is commonly thought of as the best stroke for pregnancy by a lot of people, as it is the gentlest of the swimming strokes. It also encourages good alignment in the torso as it works the chest while encouraging you to pull back your shoulders.However, if you do breaststroke properly, you will notice that as you lift your head to come out of the water and breathe, you create an overly extended arch in your lower back.
Now considering the lower back is already under a LOT of pressure from your pregnancy posture, the last thing you want to do is add to this and wind up with pregnancy back pain.
Breaststroke legs are not suitable for pregnancy. During your pregnancy you pelvic ligaments become very soft, and the joints can be easily overstreched by the backstroke kick. The pubic joint at the front may begin to separate in preparation for birth and injury can lead to Pubis Symphysis Disorder and Round Ligament Pain

Back stroke
Swimming on your back for any length of time after 16 weeks could prove to be very uncomfortable as the weight of the uterus puts pressure on the vena cava.
If you do experience any discomfort you should avoid this stroke completely.
Acid indigestion and reflux
It is best not to eat anything for 2 hours prior to swimming to avoid acid indigestion and gastric reflux, especially in the third trimester.
Tumble turns will also aggravate this.
Choose a chemical free pool where possible
There has been some recent press about the dangers of uptake of chloroform by pregnant women swimming in chlorinated pools. In tests, pools were found to have "relatively high" levels of the disinfectant by-products which have been linked to reproductive problems.
A one hour swim was found to give a chloroform dose 141 times higher than a 10 minute shower.
However further research needs to be done on this and until a wide-scale population study has been conducted this is not conclusive evidence against the use of chlorinated pools by pregnant women.
How to have a great, safe pregnancy swim workout.
Choose a stroke that won't put pressure on your pregnant body. Front Crawl is great for a higher intensity pregnancy workout.
If you need a resting stroke for intervals try using a snorkel with breast stroke arms so that you don't have to keep bobbing your head out of the water and putting pressure on your lower back, whilst using front crawl legs to propel you.
Have a light snack a couple of hours before you enter the pool.
If you have access to a chemical free pool in your area then use it.
Always shower and wash your hair immediately after leaving the pool to reduce uptake of chemicals into your bloodstream.


How to Lose Belly Fat After Pregnancy | 5 Effective Exercises | HER Network

Trying to shed that extra weight after pregnancy?? Then try these 5 exercises.


Wednesday, 19 September 2018

Exercise Through Swimming - For Health And Weight Loss Benefits

Exercise Through Swimming - For Health And Weight Loss Benefits

Exercise gives a lot of good benefits to our body. It may be in terms of health and shapes of our bodies. However, have you ever thought that there are many types of exercises? Indeed, you can engage into exercises depending on your preference.

Your lifestyle and personality have something to do when deciding about the issue. However, let me help you to choose which among the wide selection of exercise is better to do. Exercise through swimming because it is a good one and can be a lifetime sport.
You can do it all alone or it can be a great family bonding you can do anytime of the day. However, what are the benefits you can get from swimming? In this article, I will go over the various benefits you get from exercise swimming. In addition, you will learn more things about exercise in general, especially swimming.
Primarily, swimming is a very healthy leisure and sport that you can do today until the rest of your life. There are enormous health and exercise swimming benefits you can get in it apart from the fact that you can use it as fitness routine.

Swimming has various strokes, which you can all do at once and can make all of your muscles work. Among the benefits a swimmer can get are endurance, cardiovascular fitness, and general strength, particularly muscle. To help you grow more with bone density, you can do a lot of walking before you get into the pool, or beach.
In swimming, you can find the missing parts in your current fitness routine. Allow me to break down all of the health benefits of exercising through swimming. For athletes, working out different sports and having some lifting, you really need fitness swimming.
This can keep your heart rate while releasing stress from your body. In addition, when an injury causes you to stop from doing your land exercise, you can try swimming workouts as cross training element. In case that you are tired of your usual warm up routine before you perform your activity, swimming fits it best.
After you get tired, a few laps of swimming can also cool you down, can relax you, and can let your blood move through your body, specifically the muscles in order to help them recover.

During the hot season, you can take a dip on the pool to cool you off. Exercise through swimming pools is a good time to bond with your family and friends. This is very common to families around the world as a social outlet. It may be a group outing for friends who have not seen each for such a period of time because of their busy schedule in work, family, and lifestyle. In addition, spending quality time with your beloved family can be very easy through swimming.
You do not have to take an endless journey in the mall or in the park to bond with them. The crowd may just irritate your senses and instead of having a quality time with them, you will end up stressed out. You cannot also bury yourself inside the house with unhealthy foods and lifestyle. The best way to enjoy them is to go to a pool and from there, you can take a swim, challenge each other on how you can go and stop for awhile to exchange stories and laughter. Exercise routine swimming is a rewarding and priceless experience.
Exercise through swimming promotes weight loss because they can burn calories the other land for exercise. You can burn calories depending on your body weight, about 3 calories for a mile in every bodyweight pound. For instance, you have a body weight of 150 pounds, and it will take you about 30 minutes to swim a mile, then a maximum of 900 calories were burned in an hour of swimming.
However, not all swimmers can have that ability, or if others can, it took them some time before they did it. You will see the difference of swimming from land exercise; you do not have to cool yourself down after swimming workout unlike with land workouts.
Lastly, exercise through swimming makes good benefits to your heart, muscles, and others. To add more, psychological benefit can also be taken through swimming. You can take the time to relax. While floating, you can reflect about things or you can meditate to help you feel better.
Finally, many people who exercise through swimming find that they have developed their self-discipline, increased self-worth, goal setting, time management, and sportsmanship. Lastly, you can do things a whole lot better while you exercise through swimming.
