Sunday, 29 July 2018
GREEN TEA benefits | How/when to drink | GREEN TEA for weight loss | Hin...
What are the benefits of green tea?
Weight Loss Soups
Weight Loss Soups
Weight loss soups can be used as part of a calorie controlled diet. Good nourishment can be obtained from soups that have been made with good low calorie foods such as vegetables in season coupled with small amounts of pasta and protein. Exclude soups that contain cream or thickener and health and weight can be maintained with a good variety of soups. Homemade soups are recommended as you know what has gone into them and you can count the calories. If this is not always possible use tinned or packet soup but always read the labels for any hidden calories, fats etc.
Weight loss soups can be easily made using fresh vegetables i.e. carrots, onions, swede, cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, tomatoes, mushrooms etc and anything that you fancy that is low calorie. Avoid stilton cheese with broccoli however tempting! Pulses can be added in moderation i.e. lentils, beans, chick peas for protein. These soups can aid digestion, ease constipation and are good for your overall well being as well as helping you to consume fewer calories which in turn leads to weight loss.
Weight loss soup eaten before a meal can also curb the appetite as it can distend the stomach and increase the feeling of fullness leading to eating fewer calories for your main meal. You are then less inclined to want that mouth watering dessert.
Weight loss soups are so easy to prepare. You can use leftover vegetables from last night's dinner-just add an onion and some stock then blend! Take some to work for lunch time in a flask or container and heat up -this may curb your appetite enough not to want anything else or just to have some fruit and water. Be careful what you eat with the soup though-not TOO much bread- a couple of crisp breads are ideal. Weight loss soups can also be made very quickly using frozen vegetables again with an onion and stock to taste. Even garlic in soup is tasty! Be careful of excessive use of salt for flavour as this can cause fluid retention and is not good for people suffering with high blood pressure. Chinese soups can be extremely nutritious and low calorie and are ideal for weight loss soups. Recipes can be found on the website. Adding various spices and herbs to soup can add variation and interesting tastes. These include: thyme, parsley, dill, coriander, rosemary, sage, marjoram, tarragon cumin, cinnamon, nutmeg, and any other herbs and spices that you are particular fond of- and are all low or none calorie. Avoid adding cream and cheese or anything which is high in fat.
So for overall good health and well being include lots of nutritious, low calorie soup as part of your daily consumption of food and watch the weight come off!
Saturday, 28 July 2018
Green Tea: For Flat Belly Weight Loss & Youthful Skin
Green tea, is it for you?
Green Tea Weight Loss
Green Tea Weight Loss
Green tea weight loss has gained increased popularity ever since the most famous talk show queen in the world claimed in her show that she has lost significant pounds by simply replacing her coffee with green tea. So what is the magic behind this exotic drink mostly found in China and Japan?
Many of you might have been aware that most people in China and Japan are slim. There are not many obese in those eastern countries. So what are their secrets? It is just very simple. Most Chinese and Japanese have included tea in their daily diets.
Green tea as well as any other kinds of tea is widely known as powerful weight loss supplements which are highly recommended for those who want to lose weight naturally and healthily. It is because tea can help dilute the body fats easily and flush them out of your body. Even the Japanese and Chinese have included tea in some of their cooking recipes, such as sea food and beef, making them even healthier and smell and taste better, too.
There are many kinds of teas available in the market today, such as white tea, black tea, Oolong tea (or, Wulong Tea), and also green tea. But the mostly known tea for weight loss purposes are green tea and Oolong tea which are also scientifically proven to contain a lot of high anti oxidants which can fight free radicals present in your body.
For your weight loss purposes, simply start drinking this kind of exotic tea regularly, such as two cups every day. Stop drinking coffee, soft drinks and all kinds of alcoholic drinks. Maintain your healthy life style, such as reducing your caloric intake and start exercising regularly.
Some experts also suggest drinking a cup of green tea about forty five minutes before you exercise as this will increase your body metabolism. According to a recent study, drinking green tea regularly can help you lose weight up to fifteen pounds within just five weeks. If the queen of talk show could do it, and so could you!
Drinking this kind of tea is far more beneficial than drinking any kinds of soft drinks, alcoholic drinks and even coffee. But for best results, try to prepare it fresh. Avoid all those packaged or bottled tea products you can easily find in many supermarkets
Mrs. Jessica Walsh is a nutritionist who has traveled extensively to various countries to help people lose weight in the most natural and safest way possible. To find out more about weight loss solutions and green tea [] information, visit [] and get all the useful weight loss and detoxification related information.
Friday, 27 July 2018
Yum yum. This looks really yummy and it is healthy.
Benefits of Turmeric for Weight Loss
Benefits of Turmeric for Weight Loss
Discover the incredible weight loss benefits of turmeric, how to best prepare them and how much you should eat to get maximum benefit from turmeric - one of nature's amazing fat burning foods.
Turmeric, an herb used to spice many Middle Eastern and Asian recipes, is also known as curcumin. Powdered turmeric is made by grinding the curcurmin plant, a type of parsley. The deep yellow color of curry powder is attributed to turmeric.
Turmeric is a rhizome that is smaller than ginger. Its flavor is delicate and pleasing. Turmeric comes in a number of varieties and colors - from white to deep orange. It is the dark, orange color of curcumin that causes soups, stews, curries, and rice dishes to have a deep, yellow color. The flavor of turmeric is gingery, peppery, and earthy.
Saffron is more expensive that turmeric, so turmeric is often used in its place. You can find powdered turmeric for sale throughout the year at your local market. You can find fresh turmeric rhizomes in specialty Asian markets and sometimes in the grocery store.
Fat Burning Benefits of Turmeric
It is a healthy and powerful spice that helps to burn fat.
You will find dietary fiber, potassium, vitamin B6, iron, and manganese in turmeric.
Both potassium and manganese are helpful in reducing cholesterol levels and blood pressure, as well as regulating bodily fluids. Potassium aids in blood glucose metabolism and it helps the body to produce energy.
Hemoglobin contains iron. Hemoglobin is very important for carrying oxygen throughout the body via the bloodstream.
We need iron for the function and development of the brain, as well as to regulate body temperature, metabolize muscle activity, and protect the immune system, among other things.
The fiber in your diet will make stools bulkier to get rid of toxins quicker. When you eat foods that are high in fiber, you will feel full without overeating.
Curcumin is the main ingredient in turmeric. It is this that causes turmeric to be such a deep yellow color. This is also the ingredient that imparts health benefits.
In Ayurvedia Medicine and Chinese Medicine, turmeric has been traditionally used to treat the following: menstrual difficulties, toothaches, colic, chest pains, bruises and hemorrhage, blood in the urine, jaundice, and gas. Those are only a few of the conditions it helps treat.
What does turmeric contain that makes it so good for health?
Curcumin is the yellow orange pigment found in turmeric. An overwhelming number of studies have proven that this is the main anti-inflammatory agent found in this spice. As a matter of fact, the anti-inflammatory nature of curcumin, combined with curcumin's antioxidant and cancer-preventing qualities, is absolutely phenomenal.
Curcumin contains an anti-inflammatory property that can be compared to strong prescription medicines and readily available over-the-counter drugs. And it doesn't have any of the harmful side effects.
Researchers have reported that curcumin might be able to help in treating inflammatory bowel disease, ulcers, Crohn's disease, and ulcerative colitis.
Curcumin contains antioxidants that can help in the metabolism of free radicals before they can harm the cells of the body. The harmful effects of free radicals is evident in such diseases as arthritis.
There are many suffering from arthritis who report relief of symptoms when they add turmeric frequently to their foods. This relief of symptoms may include the being able to walk further and longer without pain, a reduction in the severity and duration of morning stiffness, and reduced swelling of the joints.
According to a 2004 issue of Science, animal research indicated that curcumin might be capable of correcting the genetic defect that is mainly accountable for causing cystic fibrosis, a deadly disease of the lungs that is identified by thick mucus that triggers an extremely dangerous infection.
Mucus is damaging to the pancreas and also interrupts the body's digestive processes and the proper absorption of necessary nutrients.
Curcumin's antioxidant characteristics help the colon to ward off the harmful effects of free radicals, which are responsible for damaging the DNA composition found in cells; this damage can lead to cancer of the colon. Curcumin can actually destroy mutated cancer cells as well as preventing them from moving throughout the body.
Curcumin also improves liver function.
Frequent use of turmeric has been linked to a lower instance of the formation of tumors, as well as cancer of the colon, prostate, lung, and breast.
A study done at the University of Texas suggests that curcumin has the ability to slow down the growth of breast cancer cells found in mice, even when the mice had already contracted the disease.
Turmeric and Quercitin (an antioxidant found in onions) are both phytonutrients which, when combined in recipes, have demonstrated an ability to lessen precancerous lesions in the intestinal tract. There was a reported reduction in both the occurrence and size of these lesions.
Turmeric contains curcumin and phenethyl isothiocyanates, two phytochemicals that are plentiful in vegetables belonging to the cruciferous family (brussels sprouts, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, turnips, kohlrabi, and kale), and these phytochemicals are very helpful in limiting the development of cancerous prostate cells in human beings. They can even help in preventing the spread of prostate cancer that has already become established in the body.
And even more than this, current research shows that eating foods with turmeric can decrease the chances of getting childhood leukemia.
Turmeric helps your body to increase detoxification, which leads to faster fat burning, as well as offering a general improvement in your health to its life-saving anti-oxidant properties.
Curcumin, which is found in turmeric, might be helpful in preventing the oxidation of cholesterol in the body, which helps to prevent the plaque build-up in arteries that often leads to heart attacks or strokes; it can also help in reducing symptoms of arteriosclerosis and heart conditions due to diabetes.
Turmeric is gaining support for its potential protection against Alzheimer's Disease, too.
Preparing Fresh Turmeric
It is difficult to find fresh turmeric, but you can find ground turmeric in many places. It is often found in the spice aisle at your grocery or super store. Look for this item in ethnic markets and spice stores. It may be possible to buy turmeric fresh. Naturally, it is preferable to get turmeric that is organically grown. Don't be swayed by the color - the color may differ because there are many turmeric varieties.
Fresh turmeric should be stored in a container with a tight seal. Store it somewhere cool and also free of dampness and direct light. Be sure to keep your fresh turmeric rhizomes refrigerated.
Take precautionary measures with this spice, because the dark yellow color can readily stain your hands or clothes.
The following are a few ideas for cooking with turmeric.
It has an intense taste, so take care to use sparingly. Turmeric is great in pasta, seafood, tomato dishes, egg salad, or just sprinkled over eggs.
Try turmeric mixed with sour cream as a sauce for shellfish. It is delicious.
You might discover that turmeric is frequently an ingredient in pickles and mustard.
Include some turmeric when you prepare dressing to pour on salads. The taste and appearance will both benefit from the bright yellow color.
You can use turmeric in relishes, marinades, and savory breads.
Try adding a bit of the spice to legumes such as lentils, or to some cooked winter squash; Thai cooks use turmeric extensively in appetizers, stir-fried dishes, curries, soups, and desserts.
You can spice your green tea with turmeric to enhance its cancer fighting properties.
You can try turmeric with tofu recipes.
You can sprinkle turmeric on a variety of dishes to add a cheerful burst of color and an array of healthy, fat burning benefits.
Serving Size
Approximately 2 teaspoons is appropriate, unless the recipe indicates otherwise.
Thursday, 26 July 2018
Why Asians Are Slimmer (9 Weight Loss Tips) | Joanna Soh
Does Asian food help you lose weight? What do you think of this video?
Why Chinese Soup is Really Good For Health - Here Are the Top 5 Reasons
Why Chinese Soup is Really Good For Health - Here Are the Top 5 Reasons
5. For people that wish to lose some weight, drinking more Chinese soup is indeed a better option as it really call fill up with your stomach, especially if you follow the custom Chinese dining practice where drink soup first, take vegetable second and last with meat, so this help you control your diet and limit the daily intake calories needed.
Top 5 reasons why you must cook your 1st Chinese soup today!
1. The process of soup making does not involve frying and deep fried as no oil is involve, which can reduce the fat intake, hence reducing the heart disease.
2. In Chinese soup recipes indeed most of the time can help for faster body recovery from illness, injuries, and after gave birth, with some Chinese herbal ingredient involved.
3. Easier for digestion and faster vitamin absorption. Since it is using water as the main medium or ingredient, the vitamins and minerals from the ingredients be it meats, vegetables, seafood or herbs will all dissolve into the water.
4. Simple preparation. It is so simple in making a bowl of healthy Chinese soup, all you need to do is gather the required ingredients, clean them and chop in pieces, mix with water and pull all into a electric slow cooker. What you need to do next is just wait for your freshly cook soup ready to serve. It is really a best for busy working life people.
A free body slimming soup recipe here for all:
Chicken frame bones - 200gram, Spring Onion - 2 pieces, Red Onion - 1 piece, Tomato - 1 piece, Green, pepper - 1 piece, White cabbage - 200 gram, Celery- 100 gram, Salt - 1 tea spoon
Chicken frame bones - 200gram, Spring Onion - 2 pieces, Red Onion - 1 piece, Tomato - 1 piece, Green, pepper - 1 piece, White cabbage - 200 gram, Celery- 100 gram, Salt - 1 tea spoon
Cooking Steps:
1. Soak the fresh chicken frame bone into boiling hot water for 3 minutes, take it out and wash it with cold water and dry it.
2. Cut all vegetable ingredients into small pieces be it in cubes or slices as your wish.
3. Put the chicken frame into the pot with 3-4 bowl of water and cook with maximum fire until the water is boiled, then turn to minimum fire and continue to cook for 30 minutes.
4. Get the vegetables into the pot and continue to cook for another 1 hour.
5. Add the 1 table spoon salts and some white peppers, top with some coriander and it is ready to serve.
1. Soak the fresh chicken frame bone into boiling hot water for 3 minutes, take it out and wash it with cold water and dry it.
2. Cut all vegetable ingredients into small pieces be it in cubes or slices as your wish.
3. Put the chicken frame into the pot with 3-4 bowl of water and cook with maximum fire until the water is boiled, then turn to minimum fire and continue to cook for 30 minutes.
4. Get the vegetables into the pot and continue to cook for another 1 hour.
5. Add the 1 table spoon salts and some white peppers, top with some coriander and it is ready to serve.
Effect of this soup is for detoxing, slimming and facial.
Elaine.T is an experience house wife with lot of cooking experience and secret recipes inherited from her grand grand mother. Elaine.T also interested in researching a lot of secret recipe ingredients and cooking method that deliver the ultimate healthy meals, particularly in the usage of Chinese herbs, Indian spices, Japanese 4 season cooking method and ingredients, and a lot more Asian recipes.
Wednesday, 25 July 2018
Low Calorie Cutting Diet | Meal Plan For The Entire Week
Need help planning a meal plan? Then check this video and see if this helps.
Learn How to Cook Healthy Recipes For Kids
Learn How to Cook Healthy Recipes For Kids
It's no secret that kids nowadays are particularly tricky to prepare food for. Perhaps the culprit is too much dependency on consumerism or whatnot. But suffice to say; perhaps the biggest culprit is television. What kids usually find delicious are those that are visually appealing and those that they can relate to and of course- see on television. Fast food has become such a novelty that for example; kids only see chicken as the crispy deep-fried type which as we all know is swimming in a pool of cholesterol, and not the good type at that. The thing is kids have a set idea of what good food is. And no amount of cajoling or even threatening will get them to eat anything else.
One nifty trick you can try is to try serving healthy side dishes along your main course. It doesn't matter if you're serving meatloaf or chicken or even pasta - this ingredient goes with practically anything. The answer is in potatoes. They're yummy, rich in nutrients, and generally easy to prepare. Sure, the French fries aren't that healthy and the usual mashed potatoes are getting old - but you can always try out something new.
Why not try pesto baked potatoes for a change? Here's one recipe that will definitely work with any dish. It's also guaranteed to be kid-friendly. The secret to a good dish is in the herbs. If there's one thing the Italians have gotten right, it has got to be their diet. After all, they have been known for their longevity and good health.
All you need are a couple pieces of Russet potatoes, a small bulb of onion, a couple of garlic cloves, half a cup of vegetable broth, half a cup of cream, salt, pepper, olive oil, fresh basil, and pine nuts (optional). You can opt to serve or allocate one potato per person.
To start off, give your potatoes a good scrub and poke it several times with a fork. After that, you can give them a good brush of olive oil and give them a good rubbing of sea salt. Once you're done with that, just pop them into the oven for around 30 minutes.
While you're waiting for your potatoes to roast, mince your onion and garlic and sauté them in a small amount of olive oil. Pour in your cream and broth and let them simmer for about 10 minutes. Chop up your fresh basil and incorporate it into the simmering broth. You can add a fresh squeeze of lemon just to give it a little tang. Once you're done, it would probably be time to get your potatoes out of the oven.
Cut your potatoes in half and scoop out the innards leaving a thin layer of skin behind. Incorporate the inside part of your potatoes with the simmering broth and mash it using a piece of fork. Then you can go ahead and scoop it into the potato "shells" and top it with grated Parmesan cheese. *You may include pine nut in the broth if you want a little texture.*
Then pop the potatoes back into the oven for another ten minutes or so and you're good to go. It's the perfect side dish to a healthy lunch you know your kids will always love.
Tuesday, 24 July 2018
Can You Eat Spaghetti & Lose Weight?? Healthy Low Calorie Meal Prep
Do you love spaghetti, but want to still lose weight? Then have a go at this recipe.
Is Chocolate Good Or Bad For Your Skin?
Is Chocolate Good Or Bad For Your Skin?
It's hard sometimes to separate fiction from fact when it comes to the food you eat. There are so many corporate marketing incentives behind the promotions and advertising surrounding a food, that it's tough to determine who is being truthful. There are also always rumors that float around, and nobody appears to know where they originated or what kind of evidence supports their claims. Rumors can easily be a widespread accepted belief when they spread far enough and aren't challenged with scientific evidence.
Fortunately, plenty of evidence has surfaced recently in defense of the very universally treasured foods; Chocolate. It turns out, despite the rumors which have circulated for a long time, chocolate doesn't cause acne, it really is good for your skin.
There are plenty of various foods that offer great benefits to your skin. Foods like seafood, citrus fruits, nuts, whole grain products, and red and vegetables. These foods contain ingredients like E vitamin, Vitamin A, Omega-3 essential fatty acids, Zinc, and Vitamin C, which all contribute to skin health in different ways. E vitamin is known to fight inflammation and reduce skin-aging free radicals in the skin. Ascorbic acid also fights inflammation and neutralizes free radicals that prematurely damage and age your face. Additionally, it aids the body in the production of collagen, an essential protein that forms the fundamental structure of your skin. Omega-3 fatty acids reduce dryness and inflammation within the skin and also help to clear the heart's arteries to improve circulation. Good circulation is crucial to skin health. Zinc is also an essential nutrient that assists in new cell production and also the sloughing off of dead skin cells, which will help to give the skin a nice glow.
Although most people wouldn't include chocolate inside a listing of obviously appropriate food choices like whole grains and green vegetables, it really has some super nutrients of its own. It contains catechins and flavonoids. Polyphenols, such as the catechins present in cocoa, are in fact reported to absorb UV light, which might bring about the current findings that daily cocoa consumption actually reduces UV sensitivity within the skin. These catechins are also responsible for improved blood flow, that is so important for healthy skin. Flavonoids are also a little understood nutrient in cocoa with substantial health advantages to the skin. Recent studies show that a diet rich in flavanols decreases sensitivity of human skin to UV light and helps maintain skin health by improving skin structure and function.
The mechanisms through which cocoa flavanols improve skin texture are not known, but the increase in skin blood flow caused by these nutrients is likely to be one of the primary causes for an improved appearance within the skin. Although the tests that demonstrate these findings continue to be relatively preliminary, further study has confirmed most of the health benefits which come from a consistent diet of flavanol rich cocoa. Obviously, chocolate should be consumed moderately. There's a new kind of healthy chocolate that provides an ideal bite-sized portions for any healthy daily dose. It also comes filled with added nutrients and vitamins which help promote overall health as well as skin health.
Monday, 23 July 2018
| DAY 1 | Women's FAT LOSS Workout AT HOME! (Hindi / Punjabi)
Got some fat you want to get rid of? Then have a go at this workout video. You can even do this workout at home.
Weightloss Tips For Women
Weight loss Tips For Women
Women and men have completely different makeups and therefore when it comes to losing weight what works for a man would not necessarily work for a woman. But overall the rules are very similar.
In this article I am focusing on weightloss tips that will help women lose those extra pounds and keep them off permanently.
Obesity and being overweight is fast becoming a problem worldwide for millions of people. These tips are aimed at helping you stay out of this problem group to improve your health and to look and feel great. You are not meant to be fat. For your body to be in perfect balance and health you need to drop the weight.
Weightloss Tips For Women.
Rule 1- Do not skip breakfast. When you skip breakfast your body takes this as a signal that food is scarce and it will go into starvation mode and will begin to store fat to ensure your survival. Your body will always look after itself which is why you need to eat breakfast to stop it from storing fat. A great choice for breakfast is a high fiber cereal which will satisfy hunger and keep you fuller longer. You can flavour it with some fruit but whatever you do make sure you eat breakfast.
Rule 2- Set Realistic Goals- Set up a plan that you can stick to and target your weightloss in a proactive way. To see results you need to put in the effort. Whether you need to lose 5 pounds or 50 pounds set your goals to lose a certain amount of weight each week and stick to it. The weight will not disappear overnight but once you start to see results it will motivate you to keep going. For extra motivation cut out a picture of someone who already has the body that you want and look at it often. You can achieve the body you want. Start believing in yourself. Results can be amazing when you back yourself to achieve.
Rule 3- Portion Control- Eat less more often. Eat to survive. By all means enjoy your food but do not eat it by the bucketload. Small portions frequently keep the metabolism burning and the weight dropping off. Work out what works best for you and stick to it.
Rule 4- Exercise and Rest- To lose weight you need to get active. Aim to exercise at least 4 to 5 times a week. You need to burn the fat off your body and the most effective way to do this is through physical activity. However, your body also needs rest so be sure to take 2 days a week off exercise. This allows the body to rest, rejuvenate and begin to change shape.
Sunday, 22 July 2018
Dr Oz's Recommendation on Vitamins
Ever wonder about vitamins? Have a look at this video and see if this helps.
Vitamins and Supplements Help With Health and Fitness
Vitamins and Supplements Help With Health and Fitness
There are so many claims about supplements and vitamins that people often question if they really work. Vitamins and supplements can do wonders for a person's Health and Fitness. Eating properly is a good way for the body to get get the vitamins and nutrients it needs. However, it can be nearly impossible for a person to take in all the proper nutrients just by eating healthy foods. People, who want to improve their overall health, might want to consider taking some beneficial vitamins and supplements.
Taking vitamin B12 is an excellent way for a user to improve their overall Health and Fitness. People, who exercise regularly, should consider taking vitaminB12 before they workout. Vitamin B12 is an energy booster that can give users the extra boost they need to get their workouts in. Vitamin B12 is also a natural fat burner which turns fats and carbohydrates into energy. This can be very beneficial to someone who is overweight and wants to start losing weight and exercising. Other benefits of vitamin B12 is that it helps the body fight fatigue and depression. This vitamin also helps fight anemia. Vitamin B12 is found in meat and dairy products, but taking vitamin B12 can ensure that the body gets the vitamin B12 it needs.
Calcium is essential for the body to function properly. The importance of getting enough calcium in the body is often overlooked by many people. People, who are concerned about their Health and Fitness, need to make sue their body has enough calcium. During weight training calcium is needed to maintain tissue and fluid in the body. If the body dos not take in enough calcium it will start taking calcium from the body's bones. Having enough calcium in the body helps prevent bone loss and muscle cramps. Calcium is found is green leafy vegetables and salmon. Often times people just don't get enough of these in their diet to support their calcium needs, so they need to take a calcium supplement.
Taking a zinc supplement is important for anyone starting a Health and Fitness regimen. Zinc will help the muscles quickly recover between workouts. Zinc also helps prevent viral infections. Taking zinc will help the body build muscles.Some research says that zinc can help reduce a man's chance of developing prostate cancer. Much of Zinc is lost in food do to soil depletion, so taking a supplement of zinc can help ensure the body is getting enough zinc.
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