Friday, 13 April 2018

7 Steps to Healthy Weight Loss

7 Steps to Healthy Weight Loss

Losing weight can be difficult if you try to do it on a crash diet. You can feel deprived and even become depressed when you don't seem to be reaching your goals. What's more is when you lose the weight you actually end up gaining it back and then some! Weight loss can actually be enjoyable when you do it the healthy way. Allow yourself wiggle room, set realistic goals and above all have fun! Here are 7 steps to healthy weight loss:
1. Allow yourself a cheat day a week where you can eat whatever you want. This takes the stress off having to follow your diet plan perfectly and feeling like a "slave" in your own house. Food is fun, enjoy it!
2. Wait AT LEAST 3 hours after your last meal or morsel before going to bed. This makes a mountain of difference. The body is in slow down mode closer to bed time and actually stores more calories at night. Reducing your food consumption at night will do wonders. If you do slip up however and have a late night snack, do not beat yourself up about it; it's OK just get back on your plan the next day.
3. Drink lots of water. Water helps to flush your body of toxins, replenishes your cells and makes your skin and hair more beautiful in general which is always a plus.

4. Make sure you defecate at least once a day. Many people are disgusted by even the topic of "number two" but it is very important. When you go you feel lighter, you are cleaner because this is the main way your body rids itself of toxins and you lose weight (particularly if you do a flush) by virtue of the sheer weight of refuse. Most human beings carry around anywhere from 5 to 20 pounds of fecal matter.
5. Get lots of sleep. Sleep is the time your body uses to rejuvenate itself. You will have greater focus, and be stressed a lot less (in the absence of extenuating circumstances) when you are well rested.
6. Have 70 percent of your diet consist of raw fruits and vegetables. Get creative with salads and veggie wraps. Eating lots of fruits and veggies is the best way to loose weight. You can and should (unless you're a raw vegan) supplement your diet with lean meats. Incorporate a lot of whole grains into your diet as well. If you want to spice up your salads and fruit, you can refer to sites on Google that offer free raw vegan recipes.
7. Exercise! You have to get up and move of course! This is the most obvious but one of the most important points. Get out there and have fun. Vary your work out routines, do yoga one day, then tae bo the next. The body can often become complacent and you could run into a plateau if you stick with one work out routine for too long.

Just remember to eliminate stress from your life as much as possible and you have won half the battle! Stress can seriously infringe upon any great diet plan. So remember these 7 steps:
1. Allow yourself one cheat day a week
2. Wait at least 3 hours after eating before going to bed
3. Drink lots of water,
4. Defecate at least once a day,
5. Get lots of sleep
6. Have 70 % of your diet consist of raw fruits and vegetables
7. Exercise. When you follow these steps you will not only lose weight but you'll keep it off!
Remember this has to be a lifestyle change because if you revert to what you were doing before, you'll only end up with the same results you had before. Happy weight loss!

Picture: Melissa Walker Horn on Unsplash,  bruce mars on Unsplash

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