Thursday, 12 April 2018

The One Solution to Sticking With a Diet is to Plan Strategic Cheat Days

The One Solution to Sticking With a Diet is to Plan Strategic Cheat Days

Sticking with a diet and never veering off course is supposed to be the desired goal but what if that actually slows your weight loss? What if strategically cheating one day a week actually allowed you to lose weight faster? Would you like to learn more about it? Would it release you from feelings like guilt? This article shows you how regularly eating your favorite "non-diet" foods will help you lose weight faster and ironically stick with a diet longer.
We have all grown up with the understanding that when it is time to lose weight you must muster up the willpower to diet for weeks or even months at a time. But this is viewed as a problem by your body.
Here is how your body views dieting...
When you cut your calorie intake a hormone in your body called leptin detects this and sends up a red flag fearing that you are facing a famine. Leptin cannot tell that you have gone on a diet and that you are voluntarily cutting your calories so it alerts your brain to the possibility of starvation.
Your brain than shuts down your metabolism so you don't burn off all of your energy storage (i.e. FAT). And as if that were not bad enough, your body also makes the creation of belly fat easier and it stimulates your hunger.
So when you stick with a diet for a length of time your fat burning metabolism drops, your fat MAKING ability increases and your hunger is stimulated, a sure recipe for disaster.
So what you want to do is regularly break your diet with a strategically planned cheat day. By dieting for the first six days of the week and then cheating on day seven by eating all of your favorite foods, pancakes in the morning, fast food at lunch, pizza and dessert in the evening, you convince your body that there is no famine and your body responds by boosting your metabolism and reversing all the "bad" hormonal changes brought on by the diet.

You are likely reluctant to follow this advice out of fear that your weight will go up but what the tons research and thousands of real world case studies have proven is that your cheat day causes your metabolism to rebound faster than your body can lay down fat. By the end of your week you have lost more weight than if you had stuck strictly to your diet.
Six days of sticking with a diet with one day of cheating will lead to faster weight loss, now there is a diet worth sticking with but I encourage you to not take my word for it, find out more for yourself.

If you are interested in learning how to use a Cheat Day to boost your weight loss, then check out Cheat Your Way Thin here you will find before and after pictures and links to the official site where you can learn about the eating strategies talked about in this article.
Dr. Becky Gillaspy is a Doctor of Chiropractic, Certified Wellness Coach and Author helping clients reach and exceed their weight loss and fitness goals.

Photo by Casey Lee on Unsplash

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